[vsnet-grb-info 13860] GRB 130831A: JCMT SCUBA-2 sub-mm observation

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Sep 4 11:01:40 JST 2013

NUMBER:  15174
SUBJECT: GRB 130831A: JCMT SCUBA-2 sub-mm observation
DATE:    13/09/04 02:01:33 GMT
FROM:    Ian Smith at Rice U  <ian at spacsun.rice.edu>

I.A. Smith (Rice U.), R.P.J. Tilanus (Leiden Observatory), N.R. Tanvir
(U. of Leicester), D.A. Frail (NRAO) report:

We observed the location of GRB 130831A (Hagen et al., GCN Circ.
15139) using the SCUBA-2 sub-millimeter continuum camera on the
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.  The observation started at 14:13 UT
on 2013-08-31, corresponding to 69 minutes after the burst trigger.
Exposures totaling 2.0 hours were made in good weather conditions.
No source was detected, with a preliminary RMS of 1.4 mJy/beam at
850 microns and 13.7 mJy/beam at 450 microns.

We thank Callie McNew for the prompt support of these observations.

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