[vsnet-grb-info 17577] GRB 160206A: Kiso/KWFC optical observations

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Feb 10 13:50:03 JST 2016

NUMBER:  19008
SUBJECT: GRB 160206A: Kiso/KWFC optical observations
DATE:    16/02/10 04:46:44 GMT
FROM:    Tomoki Morokuma at U of Tokyo  <tmorokuma at ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>

Tomoki Morokuma (The University of Tokyo), Nozomu Tominaga (Konan
University), Masaomi Tanaka (National Astronomical Observatory of
Japan), Akihiro Suzuki (Kyoto University), Motoko Serino (RIKEN),
Takanori Sakamoto (Aoyama Gakuin University), and Keiichi Maeda (Kyoto
University) report:

We took r-band images for the field of GRB 160206A (Furuya et al. 2016,
GCN Circ. 18993) 10.5 hours after the trigger with the Kiso Wide Field
Camera (KWFC; Sako et al. 2012, SPIE, 8446, 84466L) on the 1.05-m Kiso
Schmidt telescope in Japan. Our data were taken in a very low elevation
(10-15 degrees) and the detection limits were 17.0 mag (S/N=5, without
the Galactic extinction correction). No optical afterglow is detected at
the position of Swift XRT source 2 (Page et al. 2016, GCN Circ. 18996)
in any of our ten 180-sec exposures. The Swift XRT source 1 (TYC
7149-2271-1) is saturated in all the images and it is difficult to
evaluate its time variability.

Starting times (UT) of the exposures are summarized as below.

 date(UT)    time  t_exp[s]
2016-02-06 13:27:19 180
2016-02-06 13:32:51 180
2016-02-06 13:38:17 180
2016-02-06 13:43:43 180
2016-02-06 13:49:06 180
2016-02-06 13:54:36 180
2016-02-06 14:00:01 180
2016-02-06 14:05:26 180
2016-02-06 14:10:50 180
2016-02-06 14:16:17 180

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