[vsnet-grb-info 17865] GRB 160410A: TLS Tautenburg observations
GCN Circulars
gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Apr 13 06:18:42 JST 2016
NUMBER: 19309
SUBJECT: GRB 160410A: TLS Tautenburg observations
DATE: 16/04/12 21:16:50 GMT
FROM: Sebastian Schmidl at TLS Tautenburg <schmidl at tls-tautenburg.de>
I. Juvan (IWF Graz), M. Bluemcke, D. Baak (University of Jena), S. Kunz,
S. Schmidl, S. Klose, D. A. Kann, A. Nicuesa Guelbenzu, and F. Ludwig
(TLS Tautenburg) report:
We observed the field of GRB 160410A (Gibson et al., GCN 19271) with
the Tautenburg 1.34-m Schmidt telescope at a mid-time of about 14.6 hrs
after the GRB trigger, at a mean airmass of 1.5. We obtained 4 x 300s
and 1 x 600s exposures in the Ic band.
We do not detect the optical afterglow reported by Gibson et al. (GCN
19271), Yates et al. (GCN 19272), Selsing et al. (GCN 19274), Trotter et
al. (GCN 19277), Wang et al. (GCN 19280) and Klotz et al (GCN 19287).
We estimate a preliminary upper limit of Ic > 21.1 mag (AB magnitude
system), calibrated against SDSS field stars.
These observations were performed as part of the Tautenburg Observing
School at the Thueringer Landessternwarte.
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