[vsnet-grb-info 19140] GRB 170214A: Mondy optical upper limit

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Feb 17 02:11:35 JST 2017

NUMBER:  20687
SUBJECT: GRB 170214A: Mondy optical upper limit
DATE:    17/02/16 17:10:55 GMT
FROM:    Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow  <apozanen at iki.rssi.ru>

E. Mazaeva (IKI), A. Pozanenko (IKI), E. Klunko (ISTP), A. Volnova (IKI),
report on behalf of larger GRB follow-up collaboration:

We observed the field of  GRB 170214A   (Mailyan et al., GCN 20675; Racusin
et al., GCN 20676) with AZT-33IK telescope of Sayan observatory (Mondy)
starting on Feb., 15 (UT) 20:58:01. We obtained several images in R-filter.
The optical counterpart of  GRB 170214A (Troja et al., GCN 20681; Malesani
et al., GCN 20683; Schady et al., GCN 20684) is not detected in our stacked

Preliminary photometry of the field is following

Date              UT start    t-T0        Filter  Exp.       OT      UL
                      (mid, days)                       (s)

2017-02-15 20:58:01  1.24558  R     120*30    n/d      21.4

Photometry is based on nearby SDSS-DR9 stars
SDSS-DR9_id            R(Lupton)
J170525.39-015302.5 17.50
J170522.63-015255.8 17.31
J170519.90-015220.7 18.47
J170517.04-015226.0 15.51
J170515.90-015250.9 17.81
J170518.92-015435.6 17.44
J170512.43-015325.4 16.54
J170511.57-015336.2 18.05

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