[vsnet-grb-info 20101] GRB 171205A: LCO 1-m telescope observations

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Dec 7 22:36:56 JST 2017

NUMBER:  22197
SUBJECT: GRB 171205A: LCO 1-m telescope observations
DATE:    17/12/07 13:36:16 GMT
FROM:    Cristiano Guidorzi at Ferrara U,Italy  <guidorzi at fe.infn.it>

C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), S. Kobayashi (LJMU), C.G. Mundell (U. Bath), 
A. Gomboc (U. Nova Gorica), I.A. Steele (LJMU) on behalf of a large 
collaboration report:

We observed Swift GRB171205A (D'Elia et al. GCN 22177) on December 7, 
07:21 UT (2.0 days post burst) with one of the 1-m LCO telescopes in 
Cerro Tololo in the SDSS ri filters. We clearly detect the optical 
afterglow (Izzo et al. GCN 22180; Emery et al. GCN 22181; Butler et al. 
GCN 22182; Mao et al. GCN 22186; Choi et al. GCN 22188; Melandri et al. 
GCN 22189; Steeghs et al. GCN 22190; Cobb et al. GCN 22192; Volnova et 
al. GCN 22193) with the following magnitudes:

Mid Time     Exposure       Filter       Magnitude (AB)
(days)        (s)
2.0          5x120          SDSS-R        19.43 +- 0.10
2.0          5x120          SDSS-I        19.19 +- 0.10

as calibrated against nearby Pan-STARRS objects.

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