[vsnet-grb-info 26705] GRB 201029A: FRAM-ORM optical limit

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Oct 30 06:18:43 JST 2020

NUMBER:  28805
SUBJECT: GRB 201029A: FRAM-ORM optical limit
DATE:    20/10/29 21:17:54 GMT
FROM:    Martin Jelinek at Astro.Inst-AVCR,Ondrejov  <martin.jelinek at asu.cas.cz>

Martin Jelinek, Jan Strobl (ASU CAS Ondrejov, CZ),

Sergey  Karpov, Martin  Masek,  Petr  Janecek, Jakub  Jurysek,
Jan  Ebr, Ronan  Cunniffe, Petr  Travnicek and  Michael Prouza
(Institute of Physics, Prague, CZ)


The  25cm  robotic  telescope  FRAM-ORM at  La  Palma  (Spain)
reacted  robotically   to  the   Swift  alert   of  GRB201029A
(trigger=1003002; Dichiara  et al.,  GCNC 28803),  obtaining a
series of 20s unfiltered images starting at 20:21:23.0UT, i.e.
93s post trigger.

We do not  detect any new source in the  XRT error box neither
in single  images (3-sigma  limit R>~15.7)  nor in  a combined
20x20s frame (mean  exp time 276s post  trigger, 3-sigma limit
R>~18.15) similarly to Lipunov et al. (GCNC 28804).

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