[vsnet-grb-info 20637] GRB 180514A: CrAO/ZTSH optical observations and afterglow candidate

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu May 17 02:42:35 JST 2018

NUMBER:  22735
SUBJECT: GRB 180514A: CrAO/ZTSH optical observations and afterglow candidate
DATE:    18/05/16 17:41:55 GMT
FROM:    Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow  <apozanen at iki.rssi.ru>

A. Volnova (IKI), V. Rumyantsev (CrAO),   A. Pozanenko (IKI),   E. 
Mazaeva (IKI)  report on behalf of larger GRB follow-up collaboration:

We observed the field of the GRB 180514A (LaPorte et al., GCN 22723)
with ZTSH 2.6m telescope of CrAO observatory starting on May 14 (UT) 
18:16:14. We took several images in filter R with exposures of 120 s. We 
  detect one object within enhanced XRT  (Goad et al., GCN 22725). The 
coordinates of the object are (J2000) 13 09 29.01 +36 58 19.5 with 
uncertainty of 0.3 arcsec in each coordinate.
Preliminary photometry of the object in a combined image is following

UT start              t-T0    Filter  Exp.     OT      err    UL(3sigma)
                      (mid, days)       (s)

2018-05-14 19:07:44   0.23321 R       36*120   22.90   0.07   23.9

The photometry is based on nearby SDSS stars:

SDSS-DR9_id             R(Lupton)
J130934.98+365851.3	18.625	0.020
J130931.60+365838.3	18.933	0.023
J130931.36+365901.6	19.497	0.048

Based only on our observation we can not say about variability the 
object. However taking into account deep upper limit of NOT observation 
at 9.95 hrs (A. de Ugarte Postigo et al., GCN 22731) we can suggest that 
the object is the afterglow of GRB 180514A.

The finding chat can be found in

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