[vsnet-grb-info 20942] GRB 180720B: OAJ optical observations
GCN Circulars
gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Jul 26 17:57:50 JST 2018
NUMBER: 23040
SUBJECT: GRB 180720B: OAJ optical observations
DATE: 18/07/26 08:56:58 GMT
FROM: Luca Izzo at IAA-CSIC <Luca.Izzo at ICRA.it>
L. Izzo, D. A. Kann (HETH/IAA-CSIC), A. de Ugarte Postigo (HETH/IAA-CSIC, DARK/NBI), C. C. Thoene, K. Bensch, M. Blazek (HETH/IAA-CSIC), M. C. Diaz-Martin, and S. Rodriguez-Llano (OAJ) report:
We observed the field of the Swift-BAT GRB 180720B (Siegel et al. GCN 22973), detected also by Fermi-LAT (Bissaldi et al. GCN 22980), with the 0.8m telescope of the Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre (Teruel, Spain). Observations consisted of a series of 3x300 s griz exposures, starting at 01:12:55 UT (10.85 hr after the GRB trigger). The afterglow is clearly detected at a position consistent with the one reported by Martone et al. (GCN 22976).
We measure a magnitude of r(AB) = 17.77+/- 0.05 mag at an average time of 01:37:14 UT (11.26 hr after the GRB trigger), as compared to nearby SDSS stars.
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