[vsnet-grb-info 21800] GRB 190215A: Insight-HXMT/HE detection

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Sun Feb 17 23:01:10 JST 2019

NUMBER:  23899
SUBJECT: GRB 190215A: Insight-HXMT/HE detection
DATE:    19/02/17 13:59:59 GMT
FROM:    QiBin Yi at IHEP, HXMT  <yiqb at ihep.ac.cn>

Q. B. Yi, C. K. Li, X. B. Li, G. Li, J. Y. Liao, S. L. Xiong, 
C. Z. Liu, X. F. Li, Z. W. Li, Z. Chang, X. F. Lu,
A. M. Zhang, Y. F. Zhang, C. L. Zou (IHEP), Y. J. Jin, 
Z. Zhang (THU), T. P. Li (IHEP/THU), F. J. Lu, L. M. Song, 
M. Wu, Y. P. Xu, S. N. Zhang (IHEP),
report on behalf of the Insight-HXMT team:

At 2019-02-15T18:31:22.000 (T0), the Insight-HXMT/HE detected
GRB 190215A(trigger ID: HEB190215771) in a routine search of the data,
which was also triggered by Fermi/GBM (B. Mailyan et al., GCN 23898).

The Insight-HXMT/HE light curve mainly consists of two 
pulses with a duration (T90) of 14.80 s measured from T0+1.22 s.
The 1-ms peak rate, measured from T0+6.155 s, is 3193.6 cnts/sec.
The total counts from this burst is 28093.7 counts.
URL_LC: http://www.hxmt.org/images/GRB/HEB190215771_lc.jpg

All measurements above are made with the CsI detectors operating in the
regular mode with the energy range of about 80-800 keV (record energy).
Only gamma-rays with energy greater than about 200 keV can penetrate
the spacecraft and leave signals in the CsI detectors installed inside
of the telescope.

Insight-HXMT is the first Chinese space X-ray telescope, which was
fundedjointly by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) and
the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
More information about it could be found at:

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