[vsnet-grb-info 22351] LIGO/Virgo S190510g: HSC Y-band follow-up observation
GCN Circulars
gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri May 10 20:00:05 JST 2019
NUMBER: 24450
SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo S190510g: HSC Y-band follow-up observation
DATE: 19/05/10 10:56:39 GMT
FROM: Michitoshi Yoshida at NAOJ/Subaru <yoshida at naoj.org>
Michitoshi Yoshida, Yuhei Takagi, Tsuyoshi Terai (NAOJ) Yousuke
Utsumi (Stanford Univ.), Nozomu Tominaga (Konan Univ.), Mahito
Sasada, Hiroshi Akitaya (Hiroshima Univ.) on behalf of J-GEM
We report optical imaging follow-up observations for a part of
the equator region (RA:13h, Dec:0d) of S190510g (LIGO Scientific
Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration, GCN #24442) with Hyper
Suprime-Cam (HSC) attached to the 8.2-m Subaru Telescope. HSC
has a circular field-of-view whose area is 1.7 deg^2.
We performed Y-band imaging observations on 2019-05-10 UT. The
exposure time per frame was 30 sec. We covered 140 deg^2 around
the high probability area in the equator region of the Bayestar skymap
of S190510g with 120 pointings of HSC. We revisited each pointing
position two times. The 5-sigma limiting AB magnitude of Y-band was
about 22.7 mag.
The observed regions are as follows:
JGEM28175 13:27:11.25 -08:23:07.9
JGEM28432 13:30:00.00 -08:59:21.5
JGEM27663 13:27:11.25 -07:10:50.7
JGEM27920 13:30:00.00 -07:46:57.8
JGEM28176 13:32:48.75 -08:23:07.9
JGEM28433 13:35:37.50 -08:59:21.5
JGEM26895 13:24:22.50 -05:22:45.8
JGEM27151 13:27:11.25 -05:58:45.0
JGEM27408 13:30:00.00 -06:34:46.5
JGEM27664 13:32:48.75 -07:10:50.7
JGEM27921 13:35:37.50 -07:46:57.8
JGEM28177 13:38:26.25 -08:23:07.9
JGEM26383 13:24:22.50 -04:10:53.5
JGEM26639 13:27:11.25 -04:46:48.7
JGEM26896 13:30:00.00 -05:22:45.8
JGEM27152 13:32:48.75 -05:58:45.0
JGEM27409 13:35:37.50 -06:34:46.5
JGEM27665 13:38:26.25 -07:10:50.7
JGEM27922 13:41:15.00 -07:46:57.8
JGEM25871 13:24:22.50 -02:59:07.8
JGEM26127 13:27:11.25 -03:34:60.0
JGEM26384 13:30:00.00 -04:10:53.5
JGEM26640 13:32:48.75 -04:46:48.7
JGEM26897 13:35:37.50 -05:22:45.8
JGEM27153 13:38:26.25 -05:58:45.0
JGEM27410 13:41:15.00 -06:34:46.5
JGEM27666 13:44:03.75 -07:10:50.7
JGEM25615 13:27:11.25 -02:23:16.9
JGEM25872 13:30:00.00 -02:59:07.8
JGEM26128 13:32:48.75 -03:34:60.0
JGEM26385 13:35:37.50 -04:10:53.5
JGEM26641 13:38:26.25 -04:46:48.7
JGEM26898 13:41:15.00 -05:22:45.8
JGEM27154 13:44:03.75 -05:58:45.0
JGEM25103 13:27:11.25 -01:11:37.5
JGEM25360 13:30:00.00 -01:47:26.8
JGEM25616 13:32:48.75 -02:23:16.9
JGEM25873 13:35:37.50 -02:59:07.8
JGEM26129 13:38:26.25 -03:34:60.0
JGEM26386 13:41:15.00 -04:10:53.5
JGEM26642 13:44:03.75 -04:46:48.7
JGEM24591 13:27:11.25 -00:00:00.0
JGEM26899 13:46:52.50 -05:22:45.8
JGEM24848 13:30:00.00 -00:35:48.6
JGEM25104 13:32:48.75 -01:11:37.5
JGEM25361 13:35:37.50 -01:47:26.8
JGEM25617 13:38:26.25 -02:23:16.9
JGEM25874 13:41:15.00 -02:59:07.8
JGEM26130 13:44:03.75 -03:34:60.0
JGEM26387 13:46:52.50 -04:10:53.5
JGEM24336 13:30:00.00 -00:35:48.6
JGEM24592 13:32:48.75 -00:00:00.0
JGEM24849 13:35:37.50 -00:35:48.6
JGEM25105 13:38:26.25 -01:11:37.5
JGEM25362 13:41:15.00 -01:47:26.8
JGEM23824 13:30:00.00 +01:47:26.8
JGEM25618 13:44:03.75 -02:23:16.9
JGEM25875 13:46:52.50 -02:59:07.8
JGEM24080 13:32:48.75 +01:11:37.5
JGEM24337 13:35:37.50 -00:35:48.6
JGEM24593 13:38:26.25 -00:00:00.0
JGEM23312 13:30:00.00 +02:59:07.8
JGEM24850 13:41:15.00 -00:35:48.6
JGEM25106 13:44:03.75 -01:11:37.5
JGEM23568 13:32:48.75 +02:23:16.9
JGEM25363 13:46:52.50 -01:47:26.8
JGEM25619 13:49:41.25 -02:23:16.9
JGEM23825 13:35:37.50 +01:47:26.8
JGEM24081 13:38:26.25 +01:11:37.5
JGEM24338 13:41:15.00 -00:35:48.6
JGEM23056 13:32:48.75 +03:34:60.0
JGEM24594 13:44:03.75 -00:00:00.0
JGEM24851 13:46:52.50 -00:35:48.6
JGEM23313 13:35:37.50 +02:59:07.8
JGEM25107 13:49:41.25 -01:11:37.5
JGEM23569 13:38:26.25 +02:23:16.9
JGEM22544 13:32:48.75 +04:46:48.7
JGEM23826 13:41:15.00 +01:47:26.8
JGEM24082 13:44:03.75 +01:11:37.5
JGEM22801 13:35:37.50 +04:10:53.5
JGEM24339 13:46:52.50 -00:35:48.6
JGEM24595 13:49:41.25 -00:00:00.0
JGEM23057 13:38:26.25 +03:34:60.0
JGEM22032 13:32:48.75 +05:58:45.0
JGEM23314 13:41:15.00 +02:59:07.8
JGEM22289 13:35:37.50 +05:22:45.8
JGEM23570 13:44:03.75 +02:23:16.9
JGEM23827 13:46:52.50 +01:47:26.8
JGEM22545 13:38:26.25 +04:46:48.7
JGEM22802 13:41:15.00 +04:10:53.5
JGEM21777 13:35:37.50 +06:34:46.5
JGEM23058 13:44:03.75 +03:34:60.0
JGEM22033 13:38:26.25 +05:58:45.0
JGEM23315 13:46:52.50 +02:59:07.8
JGEM22290 13:41:15.00 +05:22:45.8
JGEM22546 13:44:03.75 +04:46:48.7
JGEM23835 14:31:52.50 +01:47:26.8
JGEM23578 14:29:03.75 +02:23:16.9
JGEM23322 14:26:15.00 +02:59:07.8
JGEM23323 14:31:52.50 +02:59:07.8
JGEM23066 14:29:03.75 +03:34:60.0
JGEM22810 14:26:15.00 +04:10:53.5
JGEM23067 14:34:41.25 +03:34:60.0
JGEM22811 14:31:52.50 +04:10:53.5
JGEM22298 14:26:15.00 +05:22:45.8
JGEM22554 14:29:03.75 +04:46:48.7
JGEM22555 14:34:41.25 +04:46:48.7
JGEM22042 14:29:03.75 +05:58:45.0
JGEM22299 14:31:52.50 +05:22:45.8
JGEM22813 14:43:07.50 +04:10:53.5
JGEM22557 14:45:56.25 +04:46:48.7
JGEM22301 14:43:07.50 +05:22:45.8
JGEM22044 14:40:18.75 +05:58:45.0
JGEM22302 14:48:45.00 +05:22:45.8
JGEM22045 14:45:56.25 +05:58:45.0
JGEM21789 14:43:07.50 +06:34:46.5
JGEM22303 14:54:22.50 +05:22:45.8
JGEM22046 14:51:33.75 +05:58:45.0
JGEM21790 14:48:45.00 +06:34:46.5
JGEM21791 14:54:22.50 +06:34:46.5
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