[vsnet-grb-info 23226] LIGO/Virgo S190814bv: Nordic Optical Telescope imaging of selected galaxies
GCN Circulars
gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Aug 15 12:53:50 JST 2019
NUMBER: 25325
SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo S190814bv: Nordic Optical Telescope imaging of selected galaxies
DATE: 19/08/15 03:52:38 GMT
FROM: Daniele B Malesani at DTU Space <malesani at space.dtu.dk>
Kasper E. Heintz (Univ. Iceland), Daniele B. Malesani (DTU Space),
Jonatan Selsing (Novo Nordisk), Andrew J. Levan (Radboud Univ.), Paolo
D'Avanzo (INAF/OABr), Daniel A. Perley (LJMU), Lana Salmon (UCD), Ana
Sagues-Corracedo (OKC Stockholm), Silvia Piranomonte (INAF/OAR), A.
Amanda Djupvik (NOT), Luca Malavolta (INAF/OACt), report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:
We observed the position of the 20 galaxies listed below, using the
Nordic Optical Telescope equipped with the ALFOSC instrument. These
argets were selected from the list of probable host galaxies generated
by the HOGWARTS code (https://gwtool.watchertelescope.ie/), consistent
with the 90% probability region of S190814bv (LIGO Scientific
Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration, GCN 25324). Similar lists were
coordinated with collaborating telescopes in La Palma: the Telescopio
Nazionale Galileo, the Liverpool Telescope, and the William Hershel
Each galaxy was observed for 2 minutes exposure in the SDSS r filter.
Observations started as soon as the targets were observable, around 2019
August 15.06 UT (4.3 hr after the GW event). Conditions were affected by
the nearby bright Moon and large airmass.
Visual inspection of the 20 fields does not reveal any new candidate
compared with the deeper archival images from the Pan-STARRS survey. The
typical limiting magnitude is r ~ 21 (3 sigma), though we caution that
the actual limit is shallower at locations superimposed on the brightest
parts of the targeted galaxies. This corresponds to an absolute
magnitude M_r > -16.2 at a distance of 276 Mpc.
List of target fields (RA, Dec)
00:47:07.527 -24:22:14.33
00:55:13.534 -26:19:16.51
00:50:54.447 -23:37:54.79
00:47:05.254 -24:14:19.33
00:55:09.151 -25:27:20.53
00:50:57.715 -23:33:28.78
00:50:09.705 -23:16:48.17
00:55:13.061 -24:02:38.52
00:48:58.272 -25:41:36.42
00:49:41.726 -25:03:02.93
00:48:24.757 -25:35:44.55
00:54:15.943 -23:32:06.58
00:44:13.189 -24:19:39.27
00:51:21.179 -26:59:22.02
00:46:13.218 -25:57:00.68
00:49:23.120 -26:30:26.99
00:50:12.393 -25:58:30.57
00:45:34.992 -24:14:54.74
00:47:52.584 -25:50:29.04
01:29:10.270 -31:34:41.63
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