[vsnet-grb-info 23377] GRB 190823A: Swift-XRT observations

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Mon Aug 26 04:06:44 JST 2019

NUMBER:  25476
SUBJECT: GRB 190823A: Swift-XRT observations
DATE:    19/08/25 19:04:38 GMT
FROM:    Elena Ambrosi at INAF-IASF  <elena.ambrosi at inaf.it>

E. Ambrosi (INAF-IASFPA), A. DAi (INAF-IASFPA) and V. D Elia (ASDC)

report on behalf of the Swift-XRT team:

Swift-XRT has performed follow-up observations of the MAXI-detected

burst GRB 190823A (Iwakiri et al. GCN circ. 25456) in a series of

observations tiled on the sky.

Total exposure time is 1.8 ks, distributed over 7 tiles. The data were

between T0+12.1 ks and T0+18 ks.

One uncatalogued X-ray source has been detected, with the following details:

RA (J2000.0):      279.68736d = 18:38:44.97

Dec (J2000.0):    -43.52789d = -43:31:40.4

Error: 8.6 arcsec (radius, 90% conf.)

Count-rate:   4.1 (+1.7, -1.3) ×10^-2 ct s^ -1

Distance: 18.6 arcmin from MAXI position

The results of the XRT-team automatic analysis of the tiled XRT

observations, including a position-specific upper limit calculator, are

available at https://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_products/TILED_GRB00085/ .

This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.

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