[vsnet-grb-info 24431] LIGO/Virgo S191216ap: No radio candidates so far in the VLA/JAGWAR galaxy targeted search

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Sun Dec 22 03:37:56 JST 2019

NUMBER:  26530
SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo S191216ap: No radio candidates so far in the VLA/JAGWAR galaxy targeted search
DATE:    19/12/21 18:33:11 GMT
FROM:    Kunal Mooley at NRAO,Caltech  <kmooley at caltech.edu>

Kunal Mooley (NRAO, Caltech; Jansky Fellow), Steve Myers, Dale Frail 
(NRAO), Gregg Hallinan, Shri Kulkarni, Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech), 
Alessandra Corsi (TTU), Leo Singer (GSFC) report on behalf of the JAGWAR 

We observed the 9 GLADE galaxies (Singer et al. GCN 26479) consistent 
with the HAWC/gamma-ray (Martinez-Castellanos et al. GCN 26472) and 
S191216ap/BAYESTAR localization volume (Piotrzkowski et al. GCN 26454) 
with the VLA between 4-8 GHz on 2019 Dec 18-19. No point-like sources 
are detected within 50 kpc of any of the galaxies down to 20 uJy 
(3sigma), except many of the galaxies have radio sources coincident with 
their nuclei (see table below). Follow up VLA observations are planned.

| RAJ2000    | DEJ2000   | Dist  | Flux_6GHz| Comments
| deg        | deg       | Mpc   | uJy      |
| ---------- | --------- | ----- | -------- | --------------------
| 323.482422 | +5.279632 | 274.4 | 820      | unresolved (12" beam)
| 323.056030 | +4.832057 | 219.1 | 370      | marginally resolved
| 322.921936 | +5.503483 | 232.2 | 80       | resolved
| 322.838806 | +5.255421 | 179.3 | 140      | unresolved
| 322.821228 | +5.553754 | 338.7 | 180      | unresolved **
| 322.749084 | +5.108610 | 330.8 | 155      | unresolved **
| 323.173767 | +4.467985 | 292.5 | <20      |
| 322.906006 | +5.850705 | 323.1 | <15      |
| 323.034882 | +4.482058 | 340.7 | <20      | **

(**) We note that only these 3 galaxies (Ahumada et al. GCN 26507) lie 
within the 95% 3D credible volume in the latest LALInference map 
(Piotrzkowski et al. GCN 26505) for S191216ap.

We thank the NRAO staff for scheduling and executing these observations.

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