[vsnet-grb-info 25703] GRB 200524A: 3.6m DOT observations of the afterglow candidate ZTF20abbiixp

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Mon May 25 06:53:05 JST 2020

NUMBER:  27803
SUBJECT: GRB 200524A: 3.6m DOT observations of the afterglow candidate ZTF20abbiixp
DATE:    20/05/24 21:50:57 GMT
FROM:    Kuntal Misra at ARIES,India  <kuntal at aries.res.in>

Pankaj Sanwal, Kuntal Misra, Ankur Ghosh, Dimple, Amit Kumar, Amar Aryan, Rahul Gupta, S. B. Pandey, Brijesh Kumar, T. S. Kumar and Amitesh Omar (ARIES) report on behalf of the GRB collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB 200524A (Fana Dirirsa et al., GCN 27797) with the 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope (DOT) located in Devasthal, India on 2020-05-24T19:18:00 (UT) using the recently commissioned ADFOSC instrument.  We observed a sequence of 300 sec images in g, r and i bands.  We clearly detect the optical transient discovered by ZTF  (Ho et al., GCN 27799) and also reported by Kumar et al. (GCN 27800) and Rumyantsev et al. (GCN 27802).   In the first r band image the afterglow has a r band magnitude of 21.1+/-0.03.  Further processing of the data is in progress.  

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