[vsnet-grb-info 4377] GRB 070227: optical observations

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Mar 1 10:10:50 JST 2007

NUMBER:  6161
SUBJECT: GRB 070227: optical observations
DATE:    07/03/01 01:10:18 GMT
FROM:    Alan Gilmore at U of Canterbury,Mt John Obs  <alan.gilmore at canterbury.ac.nz>

A. C. Gilmore and P. M. Kilmartin (Mt John Observatory of the University of 
Canterbury) report:

We stacked 20 x 60 second clear exposures with an Apogee U-47 CCD on a 0.6-m 
f/13.5 reflector at Mt John Observatory, centred on February 28 09:54 UT (11.5 
hours after the burst.) Our images do not show any new object in or near the 
Swift-BAT error circle when compared with DSS-2 red and DSS-2 infra-red images.  

This message may be cited.

[GCN OPS NOTE (28feb07): This message was delayed ~20 hrs due to unknown
internet delivery problems.]

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