[vsnet-grb-info 5626] GRB 080210: Super-LOTIS observations

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Sun Feb 10 23:14:55 JST 2008

NUMBER:  7288
SUBJECT: GRB 080210: Super-LOTIS observations
DATE:    08/02/10 14:14:49 GMT
FROM:    Adria C. Updike at Clemson U  <aupdike at clemson.edu>

A. C. Updike (Clemson University), G. G. Williams (MMTO), P. A. Milne
(Steward Observatory), and D. H. Hartmann (CU) report on behalf of the
Super-LOTIS Collaboration:

The robotic 0.6-m Super-LOTIS telescope began observing the error box of
GRB 080210 (Swift Trigger 302888, Grupe et al. GCN 7281) at 11:33:46.1 UT,
3 hours and 44 minutes after the trigger.  Our observations consist of 57
x 60s exposures in the R-band under good weather conditions.

We detect the afterglow reported by Klotz et al. (GCN 7280) in our stacked
images.  Using 5 field stars from the USNO-B1.0 catalogue, we estimate the
following R-band magnitude for the OT:

t_start (UT)	exp t (s)	t_start-t_0 (s)	R Mag
11:33:46.1 	3420             11166 		R = 21.6 +/- 0.2

Additional observations and analysis are ongoing.  This message may be cited.

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