[vsnet-grb-info 5698] GRB 080303A: Faulkes Telescope South optical afterglow observations

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Mon Mar 3 20:19:53 JST 2008

NUMBER:  7353
SUBJECT: GRB 080303A: Faulkes Telescope South optical afterglow observations
DATE:    08/03/03 11:19:42 GMT
FROM:    Andreja Gomboc at LT,ARI,Liverpool JMU  <ag at astro.livjm.ac.uk>

A. Gomboc (U. Ljubljana), R.J. Smith, D.F. Bersier, S. Kobayashi, A. 
Melandri, A. Monfardini, C.G. Mundell, I.A. Steele (Liverpool JMU), C. 
Guidorzi (U. Bicocca & INAF-OAB), P. O'Brien, E. Rol, N. Bannister 
(Leicester) report:

The 2-m Faulkes Telescope South (Siding Spring) robotically followed up 
GRB 080303A (SWIFT trigger 304549) starting 3.3 min after the GRB trigger 
time. We detect an optical afterglow candidate in R, B, and i' filters at 
the position consistent with the UVOT (Sakamoto et al, GCN 7351),
REM (D'Avanzo et al., GCN 7350) and Mt. John (Gilmore & Kilmartin, GCN 
7352) optical afterglow candidate.

The magnitude of the source was R~17.4+-0.3 and 19.7+-0.3 at 8 min and 50 
min after the trigger time, respectively.

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