[vsnet-grb-info 5713] GRB 080307: BOAO imaging - retraction and new limit

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 7 23:56:58 JST 2008

NUMBER:  7368
SUBJECT: GRB 080307: BOAO imaging - retraction and new limit
DATE:    08/03/07 14:56:48 GMT
FROM:    Myungshin Im at Seoul Nat U  <mim at astro.snu.ac.kr>

M. Im, I. Lee, W.K. Zheng, K.Y. Huang, Y. Urata
on behalf of EAFON team.

  Earlier, we reported the detection of the after glow of GRB080307
  (GCN Circular, #7364). Our reported afterglow at the UVOT position
  turned out to be a known star, and we retract our earlier report.
  We do not detect the GRB afterglow at the enhanced XRT position
  (GCN Circular #7366), and we place the limit of R > 21.2 at 3 sigma.
  Further analysis is ongoing.

  This message may be cited.

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