[vsnet-grb-info 5778] GRB080319B Liverpool Telescope optical
afterglow candidate
GCN Circulars
gcncirc at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Mar 19 20:34:20 JST 2008
NUMBER: 7433
SUBJECT: GRB080319B Liverpool Telescope optical afterglow candidate
DATE: 08/03/19 08:25:53 GMT
FROM: James Smith at ARI,Liverpool John Moors U <rjs at astro.livjm.ac.uk>
R.J. Smith (Liverpool JMU), A. Gomboc (U. Ljubljana), N. Tanvir (Leicester) A.
Melandri, C.G. Mundell, I.A. Steele, S. Kobayashi, D. Bersier (Liverpool JMU)
The 2-m Liverpool Telescope (La Palma) observed the position of
GRB 080319B (SWIFT trigger 306757) starting 30 min after the GRB trigger
time. We detect an optical afterglow candidate in r' filter at
14:31:41 +36:18:09 J2000 consistent with the uncatalogued source
visible in the UVOT data.
Filter t_mid (min from GRB) Tot_Exp (s) R
r' 30.64 120 14.9
r' 32.83 120 15.1
r' 35.02 120 15.2
Observations were performed in SDSS r' filter and
magnitudes calibrated vs R2 USNO-B1 magnitudes for a few selected stars.
No further observations were possible due to approaching twilight.
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