[vsnet-grb-info 5783] GRB 080319b: Early IR Imaging from PAIRITEL
GCN Circulars
gcncirc at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Mar 19 20:34:45 JST 2008
NUMBER: 7434
SUBJECT: GRB 080319b: Early IR Imaging from PAIRITEL
DATE: 08/03/19 08:30:12 GMT
FROM: Josh Bloom at UC Berkeley <jbloom at astron.berkeley.edu>
J. S. Bloom, D. Starr, and D. A. Perley (UC Berkeley) report:
We began observations of GRB080319b with PAIRITEL at 2008-03-19
06:14:51 UT and will continue for several hours until sunrise. The
source is exceedingly bright in the first few minutes, visible on
individual 7.8 sec exposures in JHKs bands. Preliminary photometry,
which may be affected to non-linearities at these bright flux levels,
is given below.
# t (MJD) terr (day) filt mag merr
54544.262141 0.000454 k 8.613900
0.033214 0 0
54544.261788 0.000454 j 9.110600
0.041347 0 0
A comparison with 2MASS may be found at:
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