[vsnet-grb-info 5861] GRB 080319B : Apparent spectral evolution in
very early Swift/XRT WT mode data: intrinsic or pile-up effect?
GCN Circulars
gcncirc at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Tue Mar 25 07:35:39 JST 2008
NUMBER: 7511
SUBJECT: GRB 080319B : Apparent spectral evolution in very early Swift/XRT WT mode data: intrinsic or pile-up effect?
DATE: 08/03/24 22:35:33 GMT
FROM: Binbin Zhang at UNLV <zbb at physics.unlv.edu>
Bin-Bin Zhang (University of Nevada Las Vegas), Enwei Liang (Guangxi
University, China) and Bing Zhang (University of Nevada Las Vegas) report:
We have processed the Swift XRT data of GRB 080319B, paying special
attention to the possible spectral evolution in the WT mode data
(Racusin et al. GCN 7459; cf. Butler GCN 7499). We perform a
time-dependent spectral analysis using the method described in (Zhang,
Liang & Zhang 2007, ApJ, 666, 1002). Since the early data are strongly
affected by photon pile-up, we use a box annulus region for the WT mode
data (outer radius 40*20, inner radius 8*20; see also Racusin et al. GCN
7459) and time-dependent circle annulus regions for the PC mode data to
extract spectra and lightcurves. We fit the time-dependent spectra using
a simple power-law model with the absorption from the MilkyWay Galaxy
(NH_G=1.12e20 cm^{-2} ) and from the host galaxy (NH_host=7.3e20
cm^{-2}, obtained from fitting to the integrated 1st orbit WT mode
spectrum). We confirm Butler (GCN 7499) that the apparent spectral
evolution after 200 seconds is due to instrumental "pile up" effect.
However, in the very early time t ~ (68-100) seconds, an apparent weak
but significant hard-to-soft spectral evolution sustains even if we take
into account the pile-up corrections. The photon index evolves from 1.67
± 0.02 to 1.77 ± 0.02 during this period. Our results can be found at
To make sure that this early-time spectral evolution is not due to the
pile-up effect, we extract the time-dependent spectra with box annuli
having different sizes. By excluding the central regions, we enlarge the
outer radius up to 80 pixel * 20 pixel to make sure that there are
enough photons for the spectral analysis. Our tests show that even if
the inner box size is as large as 30 pixel * 20 pixel (spectra in annuli
with such a large inner radius is not possible to be affected by the
pile-up effect), the early time (before 200 seconds) XRT WT data still
show significant spectral evolution. We therefore cautiously conclude
that this early spectral evolution is likely intrinsic.
Strong hard-to-soft spectral evolution has been seen in the early steep
decay phase of many GRB X-ray afterglows (e.g. Zhang et al. 2007, 666,
1002), which points towards a non-forward-shock origin of the emission.
We notice that the lightcurve before 200 seconds show several weak
flaring/flicking features, which is more easily seen in linear scale
(see http://grb.physics.unlv.edu/~xrt/xrtweb/080319B/earlylc.png). In
view that some steep decay segments with overlapping flares typically
show hard-to-soft spectral evolution (Group C in Zhang et al. 2007), we
suspect that the weak spectral evolution in this burst is also related
to the weak flaring/flicking features. It is however puzzling why this
segment naturally transforms to a smooth decay after 200 seconds which
show no further spectral evolution.
Throughout our fit we have fixed the NH_host values. Another possibitly
is that the apparent spectral evolution is caused by a varying NH_host
value (Racusin et al. GCN 7459). We test such a scenario by fixing the
photon index to \Gamma=1.76 (average value after 200s) and fit the
time-dependent spectra before 200s using the same model
(wabs*zbwas*zwabs) but allowing NH_host to be a free parameter. We
obtain acceptable fits, and found that the NH_host in the early time
evolves dramatically to one half of its initiall valve (from ~ 1.1e21
cm^{-2} to ~ 6.6e20 cm^{-2}). The time evolution of the NH_host value
can be found at http://grb.physics.unlv.edu/~xrt/xrtweb/080319B/nh.png.
This is another plausible physical scenario, although a model for the
rapid depletion of NH_host is called for.
The reduced chi2 in our fitting to the wabs*zwabs*powerlaw model is
typically ~1. Although a possible thermal component has been suggested
(cf. Racusin et al. GCN 7459), in our fitting no thermal component is
required by the data.
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