[vsnet-grb-info 6671] GRB 080916C: IRSF/SIRUS NIR Observation

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Sep 19 23:41:16 JST 2008

NUMBER:  8274
SUBJECT: GRB 080916C: IRSF/SIRUS NIR Observation
DATE:    08/09/19 14:41:06 GMT
FROM:    Nobuyuki Kawai at Tokyo Tech  <nkawai at hp.phys.titech.ac.jp>

T. Nagayama (Kyoto University) reports on behalf of the IRSF/SIRIUS  

We have imaged the field of GRB 080916C (van der Horst, GCN 8245)
based on the localization by Fermi/LAT (Tajima et al, GCN 8246) in J, H,
and Ks with the Simultaneous three-color InfraRed Imager for Unbiased
Survey (SIRIUS) on the Nagoya-SAAO 1.4m telescope (IRSF) starting at
2:53 on September 17 UT for 50 min.

The optical afterglow candidate suggested by Clemens et al. (GCN 8257,
GCN 8272) was detected marginally in H and Ks bands.
The preliminary magnitude was Ks= 18.6 +- 0.5.

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