[vsnet-grb-info 7562] GRB090408 : TAOS optical observations

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Apr 10 16:29:29 JST 2009

NUMBER:  9120
SUBJECT: GRB090408 : TAOS optical observations
DATE:    09/04/10 07:28:36 GMT
FROM:    Kuiyun Huang at ASIAA  <ljhuang at asiaa.sinica.edu.tw>

GRB090408 : TAOS optical observations

S.K. King, K.Y. Huang, S.Y. Wang and the TAOS team

The four 50cm TAOS telescopes observed GRB 090408 position (Stroh et
al, GCN9110) at 91s after the burst. No new optical emission was
detected in the BAT possition error range. The 3-sigma limiting
magnitude, compared with USNOB red stars, are as follows:

  Mean Dealy(s)   Exposure time   Limit mag.  Telescope
    157            5s x15             15.2         TAOSB
    221.5          1s x60             14.8         TAOSD

Lijin (Kuiyun) Huang
Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (ASIAA)
Phone: 886-2-3365 2200 x728

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