[vsnet-grb-info 9445] Swift/UVOT observations of GRB100702A - correction

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Jul 2 22:54:41 JST 2010

NUMBER:  10923
SUBJECT: Swift/UVOT observations of GRB100702A - correction
DATE:    10/07/02 13:54:36 GMT
FROM:    Massimiliano de Pasquale at MSSL-UCL  <mdp at mssl.ucl.ac.uk>

M. De Pasquale (MSSL) reports:

"In the text of the GCN circular 10922, Swift/UVOT observations of 
GRB100702A', GRB100621A
is erroneously mentioned. All the data quoted in that circular refer to 
GRB100702A. We
apologize for the mistake".

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