[vsnet-grb-info 9727] Tentative redshift of GRB100902A from Swift-XRT data
GCN Circulars
gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Sep 3 22:40:12 JST 2010
NUMBER: 11195
SUBJECT: Tentative redshift of GRB100902A from Swift-XRT data
DATE: 10/09/03 13:40:08 GMT
FROM: Sergio Campana at INAF-OAB <sergio.campana at brera.inaf.it>
S. Campana (INAF-OAB), R. L. C. Starling (U Leicester), P. A. Evans (U
Leicester), and T. Sakamoto (NASA/UMBC) report on behalf of the Swift Team:
Swift BAT triggered on the early activity of GRB 100902A (Sakamoto et
al. 2010, GCN 11181). Swift XRT started observing 316 s after the
trigger observing the main event. By using the Swift/XRT spectrum
repository at http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_spectra/ (see Evans et al.
2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177) we selected two time intervals with an almost
constant hardness ratio. These are at the end of the main event between
500-550 s (in Window Timing, WT, mode) and the entire first orbit in
Photon Counting (PC) mode (between 600-3000 s). We then fit the two
spectra with XSPEC using the model tbabs*ztbabs (cutoff), keeping the
same absorption pattern and leaving free the cutoff power-law model for
the two spectra (the cutoff power-law model provides much better results
in terms of column density evaluation with respect to a simple power-law
model when small spectral variations are present).
We assume a Galactic column density of 1.1x1021 cm-2 (Kalberla et al.
2005, A&A 440 775) and we allow for a 30% uncertainty in the fit. We
fit the spectrum using C-statistics. In the intrinsic column density vs.
redshift plane there is just one deep minimum hinting for a redshift
z=4.5^+0.3_-0.2 (90% confidence level) and an intrinsic column density
N_H(z)=(2.3^+0.5_-0.3)x1023 cm-2. The X-ray spectrum is very soft with
Gamma~3.9 at the end of the prompt phase (with a cut-off energy >17 keV)
and with Gamma~1.9 and E_cut~5 keV in the PC spectrum. The two spectra
indicate the same redshift even separately.
The high redshift and the large absorbing column density are in line
with the non-detection with UVOT and other ground based optical facilities.
The contour plot is available at
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