[vsnet-grb 115776] 2nd Notice about GCN computer name change

Bacodine vxw at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Sat Jan 16 08:42:42 JST 2010

TO:  All GCN Sites, Especially the Socket-sites
RE:  Future IP Number (addresss) changes for the GCN Computer
DT:  15 Jan 2010


GCN will be switching over to a new computer on 25 January 2010
(10 days from now).

Socket sites that have firewalls at their local institutions
may need to revise their "access rules" to allow the new GCN IP number access.

Email recipients may have filtering/allowance/access rules (SPAM, whitelisting, etc)
that need changing.  (GCN Emails will be coming 'from' vxw at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov )

1) Make your firewall rules changes (if you have not already done so).
   (See the IP NUmbers/details in the First Announcement appended below)

2a) Send me an explicit statement (from each socket site)
   that you are ready to accept connections from the new GCN machine
   (ie you have the new firewall rule in place, or it does not matter to your operation).
2b) It would be nice to hear back from the email-based sites as well
   that they are OK with this From-address change.  (Check with your local SysAdmin
   or Service_providor -- you may have forgotten about a filter/blockage/etc
   that you set up with them years ago.)

3) Let me know if you can NOT make this 25 January 2010 deadline.
   (I will operate the old capella GCN system in parallel for a while,
   but this parallel activity will be not be possible for a long period of time.)

If you are unsure what this really means (or does not mean) to your specific
operation, please do not hesitate to contact me (email or phone).


Scott Barthelmy                      NASA-GSFC, Code 661, Greenbelt, MD   20771
PHONE:  301-286-3106                 (office)       CELL:   301-346-3733
FAX:    301-286-1684                 (1st choice,  -1682 2nd choice)
EMAIL:  scott at lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov
PAGER:  3013463733 at cingularme.com
WEB:    http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn

//////////////////// FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT 04 Dec 2009 //////////////////////

This is being sent only to socket sites.

Heads up for socket sites with firewalls.

In the near future (1 or 2 months), the IP Number
for the GCN capella computer will be changing.
If you have a firewall at your end, then you will need
to add a rule to allow this new IP Number through your firewall.

The Astrophysics Division here at Goddard Space Flight Center
is moving to a new building.  So the GCN computer will be moving
to the new building.  As such, the Goddard network people require
that the IP number must change for this new subnet
within Goddard's IP address space.

Actually because of details in the logistics of the transition
from the old machines at the old location  to the new machines
in the new building,  there are two (not 1) new IP Numbers
you should add to your firewall allowed-access list:  capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov  PRIMARY  capella.gsfc.nasa.gov   NEW BACKUP
(And for reference, the current capella IPNum is

The exact date of the move and transition of the computer
to the new building is not yet determined.  However, it will happen
no sooner than 02 Jan 2010, and maybe as late as 15 Feb 2010.
(These dates correspond to steps 2 and 5 in the sequence below.)

1) Get the new GCN computer running in the new building (get valid
   IP number, install GCN software, test operations).
2) Announce that the new GCN computer is available for socket connections.
3) As each socket-site requests, move them over to the new machine.
   (Sending out reminders of the transition.)
   Both GCN machines will be running simultanously for a while.
4) Move the email-based sites distributions over to the new machine.
5) Discontinue socket-site operations on the old GCN machine.
   Deal with any stragglers who have not yet connected to the new machine.
6) After everything has been transitioned and proven stable,
   another announcement will be made that you can delete the old
   firewall rule (ie the one you are currently using as of today).

1) If you have firewall(s) at your end, then you need to add
to the firewall rules to allow incoming connections these two new IP Numbers.
2) When the new rules are in place, please tell me so I can do a test
to prove that the new access is correct (prior to the real switchover).

If you have a firewall rule for the current GCN capella computer,
do NOT remove it (when you add the two new rules).  There will be
an interval of time when both machines are running.  This will allow
for an easier transition at your end, and allow for easier operations
at the GCN end as well.

For those of you socket-sites that also have email-based entries,
you probably do not need to do anything for the email entry.
Email just goes from an english-string-based machine.domain
to an english-based machine.domain; ie it does not use the numerical form
of the machine addresses (the DNSs take care of the translation
from english to numeric address).  However, if you use
black/gray/white-listing, then you might need to add an entry
to allow the "capella2" machine in (ie whitelist capella2).


Scott Barthelmy                      NASA-GSFC, Code 661, Greenbelt, MD   20771
PHONE:  301-286-3106                 (office)       CELL:   301-346-3733
FAX:    301-286-1684                 (1st choice,  -1682 2nd choice)
EMAIL:  scott at lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov
PAGER:  3013463733 at cingularme.com
WEB:    http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn

//////////////////////////////// Your Current Configuration /////////////////////////

Site_name: VSNET
Lon,Lat=  135.75   35.00
Distribution_method: EMAIL  Attachment_format: NONE
Address: vsnet-grb at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp   
Filter:  ALL
Error_limit=   360.100 [deg, diameter]
Delta_T_limit= 999.900 [hr]
Swift_Trigger_ID_filter:   Disabled
Sources & Notice Types/Subtypes:
    RXTE-PCA_Alert_wont:      Disabled
    RXTE-PCA_Alert_will:      Disabled
    RXTE-PCA_nosaw:           Enabled
    RXTE-PCA_saw:             Enabled
    RXTE-ASM:                 Enabled
    IPN_RAW:                  Disabled
    IPN_POS:                  Enabled
    RXTE-ASM_TRANS:           Enabled
    HETE_TEST:                Disabled
    TYPE2_TEST:               Disabled
    INTEGRAL_Test_notices:    Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_TEST:       Disabled
    AGILE_GRB_TEST:           Disabled
    FERMI_GBM_TEST:           Disabled
    FERMI_LAT_TEST:           Disabled
    INTEGRAL_POINTDIR:        Disabled
    INTEGRAL_SPIACS:          Enabled
    INTEGRAL_WAKEUP:          Enabled
    INTEGRAL_REFINED:         Enabled
    INTEGRAL_OFFLINE:         Enabled
    GRB_CNTRPART:             Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_ALERT:      enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS:        enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS_NACK:   enabled
    SWIFT_FOM_2OBS:           enabled
    SWIFT_SC_2SLEW:           enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_POS:            enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_POS_NACK:       enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_SPECTRUM:       enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_IMAGE:          enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_LIGHTCURVE:     enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_IMAGE:         enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_SRCLIST:       enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_POS:           enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_POS_NACK:      Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_LC_PROC:    enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_IMAGE_PROC:     enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_IMAGE_PROC:    enabled
    SWIFT_POINTDIR:           enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_TRANS:          Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_QL_POS:         Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_SLEW_POS:       Disabled
    SWIFT_TOO_FOM:            enabled
    SWIFT_TOO_SLEW:           enabled
    AGILE_GRB_WAKEUP_POS:     Disabled
    AGILE_GRB_GROUND_POS:     Disabled
    AGILE_GRB_REFINED_POS:    Disabled
    AGILE_POINTDIR:           Disabled
    FERMI_GBM_FLT_POS:        Disabled
    FERMI_GBM_GND_POS:        Disabled
    FERMI_GBM_FIN_POS:        Disabled
    FERMI_LAT_POS_UPD:        Disabled
    FERMI_SC_SLEW:            Disabled
    FERMI_POINTDIR:           Disabled
    SIMBAD-NED:               Disabled

General Adminastrivia Comments/Suggestions:

1) When requesting changes to your configuration,
   it helps if you refer to your site_name.
2) If your site has more than one recipient (ie a list),
   please review the list to see if anybody should be deleted;
   (the volume of bounce-back-to-gcn emails gets large after a while).
3) If a new contact_person has taken over for the project, please inform me.
4) If your site is no longer active, please inform me.

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