[vsnet-grb 13345] Problem with distribution on the 051221 burst

Bacodine vxw at capella.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Dec 22 01:37:05 JST 2005

All GCN Sites,

I am investigating the what happened with notifications
on the Swift burst (of last night: 051221 at 01:51 UT).

I am getting reports that the non-delivery was fairly wide spread.
Many people got the notices (both via sockets and via emails),
and some (many?) sites did not.  First glance investigations
have not determined what that ratio is, nor why it appears to be spotty
and uncorrelatd with method or location in the list.

I am continuing to investigate and will will issue a full report
when I figure things out.  In the meantime if some of you could respond
either way ("got all", "got none", "got some") that might help me
in figuring out what happened (and what to do to fix it).  Some of you
have already communicated, and I appreciate that.

My apologies to those of you who did not receive notifications.


Scott Barthelmy                      NASA-GSFC, Code 661, Greenbelt, MD   20771
PHONE:  301-286-3106                 (office)
PHONE:  301-346-3733                 (cell)
FAX:    301-286-1684                 (1st choice,  -1682 2nd choice)
EMAIL:  scott at lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov
PAGER:  3013463733 at mmode.com
WEB:    http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn

///////////////////////////// Your Configuration ////////////////////////////////

Site_name: VSNET
Lon,Lat=  135.75   35.00
Distribution_method: EMAIL  Attachment_format: NONE
Address: vsnet-grb at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp   
Filter:  ALL
Error_limit=   360.100 [deg, diameter]
Delta_T_limit= 999.900 [hr]
Swift_Trigger_ID_filter:   Disabled
Sources & Notice Types/Subtypes:
    RXTE-PCA_Alert_wont:     Enabled
    RXTE-PCA_Alert_will:     Enabled
    RXTE-PCA_nosaw:          Enabled
    RXTE-PCA_saw:            Enabled
    RXTE-ASM:                Enabled
    IPN_POS:                 Enabled
    ALEXIS:                  Enabled
    RXTE-ASM_TRANS:          Enabled
    HETE_S/C_ALERT:          Enabled
    HETE_S/C_UPDATE:         Enabled
    HETE_S/C_LAST:           Enabled
    HETE_GND_ANA:            Enabled
    HETE_Test_notices:       Disabled
    Test_type2_notices:      Disabled
    INTEGRAL_Test_notices:   Disabled
    SWIFT_Test_notices:      Disabled
    INTEGRAL_POINTDIR:       Disabled
    INTEGRAL_SPIACS:         Enabled
    INTEGRAL_WAKEUP:         Enabled
    INTEGRAL_REFINED:        Enabled
    INTEGRAL_OFFLINE:        Enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_ALERT:     enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS:       enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS_NACK:  enabled
    SWIFT_FOM_2OBS:          enabled
    SWIFT_SC_2SLEW:          enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_POS:           enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_POS_NACK:      enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_SPECTRUM:      enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_IMAGE:         enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_LIGHTCURVE:    enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_IMAGE:        enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_SRCLIST:      enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_POS:          enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_LC_PROC:   enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_IMAGE_PROC:    enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_IMAGE_PROC:   enabled
    SWIFT_FULL_DATA_INIT:    enabled
    SWIFT_POINTDIR:          enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_TRANS:         Disabled

When requesting changes to your configuration,
it helps if you refer to your site_name.

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