[vsnet-grb 143294] INTEGRAL_WEAK Notice type added to GCN

Bacodine vxw at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Feb 25 01:51:17 JST 2011

TO:  All GCN Notice recipients
RE:  A New INTEGRAL Notice type is available
DT:  24 Feb 2011


The GCN system has been modified to incorporate the distribution
of the INTEGRAL_WEAK position notices.

The INTEGRAL IBAS Team (Sandro Mereghetti et al) have added
a new message type ("Weak") (S.Mereghetti, Circ 11766)
to their existing list of "Wakeup", "Update" and "Offline" position
messages (and "PointDir" & "SPIACS").  This new notice type lowers
the trigger threshold from the normal 8.0 sigma value to 6.5 sigma.
(The original 3 position notice types still maintain their 8.0 sigma threshold.)

Since the threshold has been turned down, the likelihood of each trigger
being due to a real GRB (or other astrophysical transient) is low
(actual value is TBD).  Most of the triggers will be due to noise
fluctuations.  As such these WEAK Notices are most suited
for robotic telescopes that do not incur any/much human-related effort
to make the observations.

The position uncertainty is less than 4 arcmin (radius).

These Weak notices may occur (a) before the start of the usual
sequence of Wakeup, Update and Offline; or (b) stand-alone,
ie not followed by one ore more of the others.  It all depends
on the time evolution of the signal in the IBIS detector.

This INTEGRAL_WEAK notice type (like the 5 original INTEGRAL types)
is available in all the GCN distribution methods and formats
(socket-based and e-mail-based).  The format for the "WEAK" notices
is exacly the same as the "Wakeup/Update/Offline" types
(both socket-packet & the various email formats; both regular
and VOEvent XML formats).

Can be found at:  http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn/integral.html
And the socket packets contents/format can be found at:
under Type=56.
Also:  http://www.isdc.unige.ch/integral/science/grb#IBAS

If you want to receive these INTEGRAL_WEAK position notices,
please send me a request to have them enabled.  You can do this
by forwarding this email to scott at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov .
Or use the web page:  http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn/config_builder.html
and select #2 (and type in your sitename).
(You can also take this opportunity to make other changes to your
Your current configuration is listed below.


Scott Barthelmy                      NASA-GSFC, Code 661, Greenbelt, MD   20771
PHONE:  301-286-3106                 (office)       CELL:   301-346-3733
FAX:    301-286-1684                 (1st choice,  -1682 2nd choice)
EMAIL:  scott at lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov
PAGER:  3013463733 at cingularme.com
WEB:    http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn

////////////////////////////// Your Current Configuration ////////////////////////////

Site_name: VSNET
Lon,Lat=  135.75   35.00
Distribution_method: EMAIL  Attachment_format: NONE
Address: vsnet-grb at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp   
Filter:  ALL
Error_limit=   360.100 [deg, diameter]
Delta_T_limit= 999.900 [hr]
Swift_Trigger_ID_filter:   Disabled
Sources & Notice Types/Subtypes:
    RXTE-PCA_Alert_wont:      Disabled
    RXTE-PCA_Alert_will:      Disabled
    RXTE-PCA_nosaw:           Enabled
    RXTE-PCA_saw:             Enabled
    RXTE-ASM:                 Enabled
    IPN_RAW:                  Disabled
    IPN_POS:                  Enabled
    RXTE-ASM_TRANS:           Enabled
    HETE_TEST:                Disabled
    TYPE2_TEST:               Disabled
    INTEGRAL_Test_notices:    Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_TEST:       Disabled
    AGILE_GRB_TEST:           Disabled
    FERMI_GBM_TEST:           Disabled
    FERMI_LAT_TEST:           Disabled
    INTEGRAL_POINTDIR:        Disabled
    INTEGRAL_SPIACS:          Enabled
    INTEGRAL_WAKEUP:          Enabled
    INTEGRAL_REFINED:         Enabled
    INTEGRAL_OFFLINE:         Enabled
    INTEGRAL_WEAK:            Disabled
    GRB_CNTRPART:             Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_ALERT:      enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS:        enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS_NACK:   enabled
    SWIFT_FOM_2OBS:           enabled
    SWIFT_SC_2SLEW:           enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_POS:            enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_POS_NACK:       enabled
    SWIFT_XRT_IMAGE:          enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_IMAGE:         enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_SRCLIST:       enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_POS:           enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_POS_NACK:      Disabled
    SWIFT_XRT_IMAGE_PROC:     enabled
    SWIFT_UVOT_IMAGE_PROC:    enabled
    SWIFT_POINTDIR:           enabled
    SWIFT_BAT_TRANS:          Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_QL_POS:         Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_SLEW_POS:       Disabled
    SWIFT_BAT_MONITOR:        Disabled
    SWIFT_TOO_FOM:            enabled
    SWIFT_TOO_SLEW:           enabled
    AGILE_GRB_WAKEUP_POS:     Disabled
    AGILE_GRB_GROUND_POS:     Disabled
    AGILE_GRB_REFINED_POS:    Disabled
    AGILE_POINTDIR:           Disabled
    FERMI_GBM_ALERT:          Disabled
    FERMI_GBM_FLT_POS:        Disabled
    FERMI_GBM_GND_POS:        Disabled
    FERMI_GBM_FIN_POS:        Disabled
    FERMI_LAT_POS_UPD:        Disabled
    FERMI_SC_SLEW:            Disabled
    FERMI_POINTDIR:           Disabled
    SIMBAD-NED:               Disabled

General Adminastrivia Comments/Suggestions:

1) When requesting changes to your configuration,
   it helps if you refer to your site_name.
2) If your site has more than one recipient (ie a list),
   please review the list to see if anybody should be deleted;
   (the volume of bounce-back-to-gcn emails gets large after a while).
3) If a new contact_person has taken over for the project, please inform me.
4) If your site is no longer active, please inform me.

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