[vsnet-mira-m 264832] RS Lyr recent (cont'd)
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jun 1 18:14:45 JST 2020
RS Lyr recent (cont'd)
For general info see:
YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer
20030503.069 137 (Hazel McGee)
20030507.040 141 (Georg Comello)
20030510.000 147 (Marc Biesmans)
20030519.953 <134 (Hazel McGee)
20030525.296 <145 (Mike Simonsen)
20030530.000 <149 (Marc Biesmans)
20030610.290 <149 (Mike Simonsen)
20030617.256 <145 (Mike Simonsen)
20030620.973 <141 (Hazel McGee)
20030721.971 <141 (Hazel McGee)
20030723.000 149 (Marc Biesmans)
20030723.189 148 (Mike Simonsen)
20030802.924 <141 (Hazel McGee)
20030806.000 145 (Marc Biesmans)
20030808.926 140 (Guenther Krisch)
20030810.264 140 (Mike Simonsen)
20030814.938 <140 (Hazel McGee)
20030824.910 132 (Hazel McGee)
20030825.840 135 (Georg Comello)
20030902.910 134 (Georg Comello)
20030903.181 133 (Mike Simonsen)
20030911.849 126 (Georg Comello)
20030913.860 126 (Hazel McGee)
20030917.819 127 (Georg Comello)
20030921.899 125 (Marc Biesmans)
20030924.810 124 (Georg Comello)
20030924.983 125 (Hazel McGee)
20030928.127 119 (Mike Simonsen)
20031007.009 120 (Dan Taylor)
20031014.069 117 (Dan Taylor)
20031014.849 118 (Georg Comello)
20031015.810 115 (Guenther Krisch)
20031017.801 121 (Hazel McGee)
20031019.062 114 (Mike Simonsen)
20031021.860 107 (Georg Comello)
20031026.856 122 (Hazel McGee)
20031028.850 113 (Georg Comello)
20031031.013 112 (Mike Simonsen)
20031107.047 114 (Dan Taylor)
20031120.017 112 (Mike Simonsen)
20031120.022 108 (Dan Taylor)
20031125.710 110 (Georg Comello)
20040313.415 142 (Dan Taylor)
20040410.000 151: (Marc Biesmans)
20040422.080 <141 (Hazel McGee)
20040522.969 141 (Hazel McGee)
20040705.980 121 (Georg Comello)
20040726.990 114 (Hazel McGee)
20040728.000 116 (Marc Biesmans)
20040729.030 116 (Georg Comello)
20040816.880 112 (Georg Comello)
20040822.899 109 (Marc Biesmans)
20040901.860 105 (Georg Comello)
20040901.899 103 (Marc Biesmans)
20040907.872 100 (Hazel McGee)
20040907.880 103 (Georg Comello)
20040909.900 101 (Marc Biesmans)
20040916.081 105 (Dan Taylor)
20040921.069 103 (Dan Taylor)
20040921.880 101
20040927.060 104 (Dan Taylor)
20040930.858 108 (Hazel McGee)
20041005.063 107 (Dan Taylor)
20041005.790 106 (Georg Comello)
20041010.072 107 (Dan Taylor)
20041019.810 112 (Georg Comello)
20041026.058 115 (Dan Taylor)
20041026.769 114 (Georg Comello)
20050505.326 130 (Dan Taylor)
20050511.960 129 (Georg Comello)
20050521.255 129 (Dan Taylor)
20050526.265 128 (Dan Taylor)
20050528.969 126 (Georg Comello)
20050614.990 119 (Georg Comello)
20050619.924 115 (Guenther Krisch)
20050622.949 119 (Georg Comello)
20050628.938 113 (Guenther Krisch)
20050702.302 109 (Dan Taylor)
20050705.990 113 (Georg Comello)
20050710.933 107 (Guenther Krisch)
20050717.000 110 (Marc Biesmans)
20050728.491 108 (Kenji Hirosawa)
20050730.930 114 (Georg Comello)
20050804.000 114 (Marc Biesmans)
20050811.890 118 (Georg Comello)
20050817.850 119 (Georg Comello)
20050830.890 125 (Georg Comello)
20050901.000 128 (Marc Biesmans)
20050905.146 127 (Dan Taylor)
20050908.849 131 (Georg Comello)
20050911.166 129 (Dan Taylor)
20050914.830 132 (Georg Comello)
20050922.050 137 (Dan Taylor)
20050922.810 135 (Georg Comello)
20051001.041 144 (Dan Taylor)
20051010.810 138 (Georg Comello)
20051027.750 143 (Georg Comello)
20051103.032 150 (Dan Taylor)
20051105.760 146 (Georg Comello)
20060307.169 125 (Georg Comello)
20060411.080 109 (Georg Comello)
20060427.040 106 (Georg Comello)
20060523.960 107 (Georg Comello)
20060607.960 113 (Georg Comello)
20060608.000 111 (Marc Biesmans)
20060617.960 117 (Georg Comello)
20060704.000 125 (Marc Biesmans)
20060711.930 126 (Georg Comello)
20060718.949 132 (Georg Comello)
20060721.000 136 (Marc Biesmans)
20060725.940 134 (Georg Comello)
20060801.919 136 (Georg Comello)
20060801.919 138 (Georg Comello)
20060821.949 144 (Georg Comello)
20060910.819 145 (Georg Comello)
20060912.900 <145 (Marc Biesmans)
20060921.830 146 (Georg Comello)
20060921.899 <145 (Marc Biesmans)
20061217.719 134 (Georg Comello)
20070123.180 119 (Georg Comello)
20070329.069 117 (Georg Comello)
20070408.080 119 (Georg Comello)
20070415.090 120 (Georg Comello)
20070422.050 124 (Georg Comello)
20070523.000 134 (Marc Biesmans)
20070918.860 131 (Georg Comello)
20071004.053 122 (Dan Taylor)
20071004.910 130 (Georg Comello)
20071102.008 115 (Dan Taylor)
20071123.399 114 (Kenji Hirosawa)
20071201.719 110 (Georg Comello)
20071209.383 102 (Kenji Hirosawa)
20071210.730 107 (Georg Comello)
20071216.367 106 (Kenji Hirosawa)
20071217.710 106 (Georg Comello)
20080106.719 110 (Georg Comello)
20080118.199 113 (Georg Comello)
20080208.190 117 (Georg Comello)
20080308.110 130 (Georg Comello)
20080320.359 134 (Mike Simonsen)
20080506.040 146 (Georg Comello)
20080513.000 <145 (Marc Biesmans)
20080706.927 141 (Jose Ripero)
20080707.182 138 (Mike Simonsen)
20080727.258 128 (Mike Simonsen)
20080809.271 120 (Mike Simonsen)
20080813.000 121 (Marc Biesmans)
20080823.899 120 (Marc Biesmans)
20080827.218 119 (Mike Simonsen)
20080829.899 117 (Marc Biesmans)
20080920.800 111 (Marc Biesmans)
20080924.173 112 (Mike Simonsen)
20081009.800 106 (Georg Comello)
20081011.144 112 (Mike Simonsen)
20081015.499 111 (Kenji Hirosawa)
20081016.810 109 (Georg Comello)
20081021.780 110 (Georg Comello)
20081027.760 108 (Georg Comello)
20081104.426 99 (Kenji Hirosawa)
20081106.769 109 (Georg Comello)
20081112.819 112 (Georg Comello)
20081120.819 110 (Georg Comello)
20081125.740 113 (Georg Comello)
20081202.740 116 (Georg Comello)
20081207.790 121 (Georg Comello)
20081214.699 123 (Georg Comello)
20081220.699 124 (Georg Comello)
20090624.000 119 (Marc Biesmans)
20090716.000 116 (Marc Biesmans)
20090804.000 109 (Marc Biesmans)
20090817.899 110 (Marc Biesmans)
20090825.899 110 (Marc Biesmans)
20090908.900 114 (Marc Biesmans)
20090917.899 121 (Marc Biesmans)
20090917.997 119 (Hans Bengtsson)
20091017.840 132 (Georg Comello)
20091113.699 <141 (Marc Biesmans)
20091116.740 145 (Georg Comello)
20100415.060 120 (Georg Comello)
20100418.100 118 (Marc Biesmans)
20100422.949 118 (Georg Comello)
20100604.000 107 (Marc Biesmans)
20100617.000 109 (Marc Biesmans)
20100624.000 110 (Marc Biesmans)
20100707.000 113 (Marc Biesmans)
20100715.900 115 (Marc Biesmans)
20100808.000 126 (Marc Biesmans)
20100909.900 139 (Marc Biesmans)
20110310.828 11.11cG (Kenji Hirosawa)
20110330.401 110 (Mike Simonsen)
20110430.100 117 (Marc Biesmans)
20110525.000 128 (Marc Biesmans)
20110602.000 129 (Marc Biesmans)
20110609.000 132 (Marc Biesmans)
20110613.328 135 (Mike Simonsen)
20110627.000 138 (Marc Biesmans)
20110627.240 140 (Mike Simonsen)
20110704.000 140 (Marc Biesmans)
20110705.281 145 (Mike Simonsen)
20110727.189 147 (Mike Simonsen)
20110804.000 <145 (Marc Biesmans)
20110821.219 15.303V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20110821.899 <149 (Marc Biesmans)
20110916.148 14.911V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20111018.111 13.653V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20111031.699 132 (Marc Biesmans)
20111115.699 128 (Marc Biesmans)
20120416.100 139 (Marc Biesmans)
20120430.000 146 (Marc Biesmans)
20120505.458 14.385V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120512.474 14.592V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120520.274 <146 (Mike Simonsen)
20120526.000 150 (Marc Biesmans)
20120528.452 14.770V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120603.435 14.761V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120609.419 14.453V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120615.403 14.764V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120621.371 14.689V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120623.000 147 (Marc Biesmans)
20120627.283 150 (Mike Simonsen)
20120706.345 14.643V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120714.321 14.482V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120721.301 14.454V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120724.000 146 (Marc Biesmans)
20120731.274 14.260V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120808.000 140 (Marc Biesmans)
20120817.899 137 (Marc Biesmans)
20120827.203 13.194V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120907.900 128 (Marc Biesmans)
20120908.153 12.712V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120919.138 12.297V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20120923.131 123 (Mike Simonsen)
20121004.119 11.636V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20121009.864 115 (Hans Bengtsson)
20121016.108 11.200V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20121022.800 110 (Marc Biesmans)
20121026.119 10.858V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20121106.092 10.530V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20121114.088 10.364V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20121114.699 104 (Marc Biesmans)
20121124.088 10.288V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20121214.083 10.699V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20130314.539 14.617V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20130323.932 <14.04V (Pierre Hallsten)
20130324.967 <14.67V (Pierre Hallsten)
20130325.904 <13.93V (Pierre Hallsten)
20130327.912 14.69V (Pierre Hallsten)
20130404.919 15.21V (Pierre Hallsten)
20130410.509 15.455V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20130419.100 <144 (Marc Biesmans)
20130426.490 15.535V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20130507.968 <14.12V (Pierre Hallsten)
20130519.000 <144 (Marc Biesmans)
20130602.950 13.59V (Pierre Hallsten)
20130603.000 142 (Marc Biesmans)
20130610.000 137 (Marc Biesmans)
20130706.900 126 (Marc Biesmans)
20130710.335 12.272V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20130716.000 122 (Marc Biesmans)
20130805.261 11.924V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20130805.900 121 (Marc Biesmans)
20130813.240 11.713V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20130829.899 112 (Marc Biesmans)
20130901.027 111 (Hans Bengtsson)
20130905.900 111 (Marc Biesmans)
20130919.139 10.821V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20130927.128 10.867V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20130929.800 111 (Marc Biesmans)
20131005.118 11.005V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20131023.800 116 (Marc Biesmans)
20131030.699 119 (Marc Biesmans)
20140310.138 15.24V (Pierre Hallsten)
20140324.148 14.57V (Pierre Hallsten)
20140409.099 142 (Marc Biesmans)
20140420.497 13.393V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140429.488 12.942V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140503.000 130 (Marc Biesmans)
20140517.000 124 (Marc Biesmans)
20140519.462 12.309V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140524.444 12.183V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140527.456 12.033V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140601.442 11.798V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140607.000 116 (Marc Biesmans)
20140617.899 115 (Marc Biesmans)
20140627.372 11.039V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140701.000 108 (Marc Biesmans)
20140710.336 10.943V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140724.000 108 (Marc Biesmans)
20140724.295 10.970V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140819.224 11.509V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140831.899 119 (Marc Biesmans)
20140903.183 12.070V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140911.161 12.439V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20140912.800 126 (Marc Biesmans)
20140927.800 135 (Marc Biesmans)
20140930.124 13.185V (Kevin B. Paxson)
20150316.100 117 (Marc Biesmans)
20150326.100 115 (Marc Biesmans)
20150415.099 110 (Marc Biesmans)
20150513.000 105 (Marc Biesmans)
20150521.000 106 (Marc Biesmans)
20150612.000 112 (Marc Biesmans)
20150710.000 121 (Marc Biesmans)
20150807.000 136 (Marc Biesmans)
20150821.899 142 (Marc Biesmans)
20150910.900 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20150920.800 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20151001.800 <141 (Marc Biesmans)
20151002.533 15.21cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20151010.800 <145 (Marc Biesmans)
20151101.699 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20160419.712 11.30cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20160502.712 11.75cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20160507.000 120 (Marc Biesmans)
20160518.699 12.48cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20160602.669 13.32cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20160616.000 140 (Marc Biesmans)
20160626.642 14.51cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20160710.672 14.94cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20160804.613 154cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20160804.900 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20160810.697 158cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20160821.800 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20160830.899 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20160908.900 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20161019.699 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20161024.510 13.89cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20161107.439 13.47cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20170102.758 116 (Hans Bengtsson)
20170419.100 <141 (Marc Biesmans)
20170427.692 14.54cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20170505.667 15.07cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20170519.708 15.57cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20170522.000 <134 (Marc Biesmans)
20170525.000 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20170601.000 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20170619.000 <141 (Marc Biesmans)
20170803.585 14.93cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20170815.900 <143 (Marc Biesmans)
20170821.510 13.58cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20170829.000 138 (Marc Biesmans)
20170918.544 13.02cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20170924.800 129 (Marc Biesmans)
20180429.642 16.24V (Minoru Sato)
20180509.000 <141 (Marc Biesmans)
20180520.000 <141 (Marc Biesmans)
20180521.601 16.32V (Minoru Sato)
20180603.583 15.45V (Minoru Sato)
20180708.6818 133cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20180720.5071 12.51V (Minoru Sato)
20180805.5802 123cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20180805.900 124 (Marc Biesmans)
20180827.4264 11.43V (Minoru Sato)
20181013.3702 11.09V (Minoru Sato)
20181016.800 114 (Marc Biesmans)
20181019.5047 11.06V (Minoru Sato)
20181024.4988 11.26V (Minoru Sato)
20181110.4404 11.59V (Minoru Sato)
20181118.3554 12.04V (Minoru Sato)
20190513.6702 13.17V (Minoru Sato)
20190515.000 138 (Marc Biesmans)
20190525.6367 12.59V (Minoru Sato)
20190529.000 130 (Marc Biesmans)
20190529.6384 125cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20190606.900 127 (Marc Biesmans)
20190626.899 120 (Marc Biesmans)
20190724.581 104c (Kazuyoshi Kanatsu)
20190730.562 101c (Kazuyoshi Kanatsu)
20190814.5567 10.16V (Minoru Sato)
20190829.899 109 (Marc Biesmans)
20190906.4434 10.60V (Minoru Sato)
20190907.639 103c (Kazuyoshi Kanatsu)
20190917.5720 10.90V (Minoru Sato)
20190919.472 108c (Kazuyoshi Kanatsu)
20190920.4650 10.99V (Minoru Sato)
20191009.5504 121cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20191102.4308 13.06V (Minoru Sato)
20191121.3410 13.93V (Minoru Sato)
20200317.7751 129cG (Tomohito Ohshima)
20200427.649 112cG (Makoto Watanabe)
20200530.5799 10.33V (Minoru Sato)
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