[vsnet-mira-m 240508] VX Lyr recent (cont'd)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Sep 6 23:18:52 JST 2018

VX Lyr recent (cont'd)

  For general info see:

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20090918.004   124  (Hans Bengtsson)
  20110514.7615 10.71V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20110518.7325 10.46V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20110519.7166 10.79V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20120427.7856 11.90V  (Kamogata/Kiso/Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20120428.7898 11.86V  (Kamogata/Kiso/Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20120518.7600 11.69V  (Kamogata/Kiso/Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20120526.7391 11.82V  (Kamogata/Kiso/Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20120527.7049 11.48V  (Kamogata/Kiso/Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20180903.4157 12.12V  (Minoru Sato)

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