[vsnet-mira-sr 45881] V2368 Cyg recent (cont'd)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jun 17 20:45:46 JST 2021

V2368 Cyg recent (cont'd)

  For general info see:

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20110216.522  16.110V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110217.519  16.227V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110324.408  16.223V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110325.405  16.209V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110326.402  16.185V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110327.403  16.189V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110328.401  16.242V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110329.402  16.220V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110401.394  16.336V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110402.391  16.219V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110405.383  16.243V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110412.366  16.441V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110415.365  16.406V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110416.348  16.394V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110417.344  16.475V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110418.347  16.525V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110421.454  16.526V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110422.335  16.254V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110423.331  16.474V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110426.325  16.283V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110429.318  16.428V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110503.303  16.316V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110504.312  16.404V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110507.293  16.826V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110508.290  16.389V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110512.278  16.533V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110513.389  16.415V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110514.274  16.416V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110515.274  16.428V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110516.262  16.679V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110517.264  16.594V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110529.456  16.560V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110530.235  16.407V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110531.226  16.539V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110608.430  16.454V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110609.319  16.444V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110611.344  16.531V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110612.394  16.564V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110613.340  16.655V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110614.392  16.666V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110615.344  16.581V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20110618.433  16.635V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111001.281  16.324V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111010.256  16.322V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111011.222  16.404V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111012.219  16.393V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111013.212  16.383V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111014.247  16.459V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111015.244  16.417V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111016.211  16.413V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111017.201  16.323V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111018.207  16.302V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111019.229  16.358V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111020.233  16.309V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111021.210  16.318V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111024.217  16.288V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111028.189  16.402V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111030.128  16.500V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111101.167  16.413V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111103.117  16.467V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111109.142  16.476V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111116.133  16.353V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111118.085  16.484V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111124.138  16.378V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111128.120  16.490V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111129.724  16.504V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20111130.115  16.481V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120223.505  16.090V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120315.428  16.207V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120323.415  16.287V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120419.342  16.364V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120422.328  16.385V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120424.337  16.410V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120507.289  16.630V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120519.422  16.419V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120521.256  16.651V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120527.256  16.785V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120529.238  16.369V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120614.386  16.526V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120626.443  16.433V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20120628.398  16.549V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20130429.359  16.398V  (Mike Simonsen)
  20160924.768  17.16V  (Tomas Wikander)
  20160924.770  15.01R  (Tomas Wikander)
  20160925.883  172V  (Tomas Wikander)
  20160925.885  150R  (Tomas Wikander)
  20160928.768  16.99V  (Tomas Wikander)
  20160928.770  14.85R  (Tomas Wikander)
  20161003.797  16.92V  (Tomas Wikander)
  20161003.799  14.91R  (Tomas Wikander)
  20171008.6394 <147V  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20171027.5801 135C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20171101.6051 134C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20171105.5698 135C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20171108.5927 132:C (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20171109.5835 134C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20171112.5751 132C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20171120.5498 131C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20180102.4198 <136V  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20180415.7545 <155c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180418.7230 <156c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180419.6885 <160c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180420.6875 <157c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180421.7495 <159c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180425.6949 <137c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180426.7568 <142c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180427.6840 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180428.7381 <132c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180503.7899 <157c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180504.6904 <160c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180509.6896 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180510.6837 <161c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180511.7033 <161c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180514.7358 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180515.7281 <153c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180523.6704 163c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180531.7256 <159c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180601.6638 <163c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180602.6442 <161c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180603.7005 <159cG  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180612.6551 <161c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180613.6525 <145c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180615.6745 <167c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180616.5823 <167c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180621.5661 158cG  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180624.6136 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180625.6014 <155c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180709.5874 <168c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180710.5965 <163c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180714.5598 <155c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180714.6790 <16.24V  (Minoru Sato)
  20180715.6042 <156c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180716.5633 <159c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180719.5714 <154c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180719.6670 <14.69V  (Minoru Sato)
  20180723.6989 <164c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180724.5579 <16.04V  (Minoru Sato)
  20180726.5912 <141c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180812.4712 <15.76V  (Minoru Sato)
  20180812.7008 <164c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180813.6174 <157c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180813.6553 <15.25V  (Minoru Sato)
  20180813.6736 14.28C  (Minoru Sato)
  20180814.6191 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180815.6121 <171c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180826.6463 164c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180827.6454 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180830.6850 <163c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180903.6401 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180917.6493 <152V  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20180922.5064 <162c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181007.4905 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181008.4995 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181008.5993 <147V  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20181012.6183 <150c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181013.5809 <149c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181016.5876 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181017.5863 <150c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181020.5762 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181021.5765 <156c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181024.5738 <147c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181025.4682 <161c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181105.4652 <161c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181106.4713 <159c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181110.4851 <155c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181115.4555 <159c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181117.4333 <156c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181119.4327 <162c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181120.4410 <151c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181122.4209 <159c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181125.4246 <153c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181127.4346 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181128.4379 <145c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181210.4417 <153c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181214.4275 <156c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181215.4298 <151c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181223.4288 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20181224.4511 <150V  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20190120.9007 <141c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20190211.8687 138cG  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20190214.8139 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20190304.8556 <151c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20190414.7772 <166c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20190415.7877 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20190511.7706 <160c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20190830.6733 144C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20190905.6556 141C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20190910.6612 145C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20190915.7246 142C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20190925.6557 138C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191004.6102 147:cG (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191005.6395 137C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191009.6568 139C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191012.5452 <147c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191013.5201 <157c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191013.6384 138C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191015.4597 <156c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191015.6173 139C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191016.6142 138C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191019.5192 <161c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191021.5233 <153c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191022.5963 136C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191030.6096 134C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191031.5215 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191102.4925 <154c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191116.5547 138C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191120.5106 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191120.5448 137C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20191123.4884 <147c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191218.4462 <136c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191223.4367 <131c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20191231.4390 135C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20200203.8959 <126c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200205.8772 <145c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200220.8557 <143c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200223.8336 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200226.8847 <119c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200227.8301 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200305.8305 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200308.8376 <135c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200311.8234 <147c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200314.8460 <150c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200316.8739 <120c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200317.8128 <145c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200318.8401 <147c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200319.7805 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200320.7751 <143c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200401.8119 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200402.8084 <141c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200403.8083 <148c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200404.7750 <145c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200405.7447 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200406.8468 <140c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200407.7496 <142c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200408.7744 <132c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200409.7630 <139c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200410.7838 <122c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200413.7465 <147c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200415.7500 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200416.6938 <139c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200418.7304 <147c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200424.7173 <153c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200425.7423 <148c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200426.7698 <142c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200427.7548 <153c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200428.7183 <154c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200429.7241 <153c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200430.7002 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200501.7010 <145c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200506.6904 <148c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200507.6740 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200511.6705 <148c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200512.7056 <123c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200513.6816 <157c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200520.6918 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200521.6907 <154c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200522.7350 <156c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200523.7229 <157c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200524.7197 <154c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200526.7387 <154c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200527.6997 <154c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200602.6970 <151c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200607.6809 <148c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200608.6798 <132c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200609.5608 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200619.6488 <159c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200620.6577 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200621.6439 <160c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200622.6370 <165c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200623.6339 <157c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200701.5995 <159c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200716.7682 <150c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200729.5659 <164c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200730.5379 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200731.5268 <161c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200804.5401 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200805.5367 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20200815.8287 138C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20201010.6150 150:C (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20201013.6041 141C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20201014.6044 140C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20201019.6355 138C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20201023.5835 141C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20210129.8854 <143c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210309.7991 <149c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210310.8011 <147c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210310.8663 143C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20210313.8200 <139c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210314.8518 <153c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210316.8603 <149C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20210317.8154 <140c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210317.8582 144C  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20210405.7874 <149c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210406.7397 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210408.7420 <148c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210409.7428 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210410.7400 <145c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210411.7599 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210413.7610 <149c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210414.7503 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210417.7363 <152V  (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20210417.7367 <149c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210418.7174 <143c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210419.7001 <151c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210420.7341 <151c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210422.7164 <137c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210424.6967 <143c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210425.6861 <149c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210426.7103 <142c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210429.7209 <133c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210501.7473 <154c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210502.7061 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210503.7379 <155c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210505.7192 <152c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210509.7661 <146c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210522.6748 <157c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210524.6874 <144c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210528.6813 <137c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210529.7172 <150c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210606.6957 <150c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210607.6595 <149c  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20210609.6725 <148c  (Yutaka Maeda)

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