[vsnet-mira 310654] Y Per recent (cont'd)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Jan 10 12:01:36 JST 2007

Y Per recent (cont'd)

  For general info see:

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20030201.000    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030201.519    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20030203.783    95  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20030205.830    96  (Georg Comello)
  20030210.780    96  (Georg Comello)
  20030213.769    96  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20030213.869    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030215.547    98  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20030217.810    97  (Georg Comello)
  20030219.881    98  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20030220.850   100  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030222.790    97  (Georg Comello)
  20030224.808    99  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20030225.522   100  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20030226.746    99  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20030301.780    98  (Georg Comello)
  20030302.512    99  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20030306.799   100  (Georg Comello)
  20030306.835    99  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20030306.940    99  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030307.735   100  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20030307.773   100  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20030310.482   108  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030312.819   101  (Georg Comello)
  20030313.849   102  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030317.751   103  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20030318.810   104  (Georg Comello)
  20030319.451    97  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20030320.483   102  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030320.535    98  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20030320.812   102  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20030321.850   104  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20030323.516   100  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20030323.840   103  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030324.764   103  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20030324.810   104  (Georg Comello)
  20030331.722   100  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20030415.849   105  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030713.019    92  (Georg Comello)
  20030714.040    89  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030719.019    92  (Georg Comello)
  20030721.701    88  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030726.735    88  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030801.899    93  (Laszlo L. Kiss)
  20030812.699    90  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030815.030    93  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030819.710    98  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030821.701    96  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030825.910    93  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20030826.030    93  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030901.890    94  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20030902.940    96  (Georg Comello)
  20030904.980    96  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030909.614    97  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030912.644    94  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030913.969    93  (Georg Comello)
  20030914.615    96  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030914.860    93  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20030915.610    97  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030918.899    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030920.850    93  (Georg Comello)
  20030921.642    95  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030921.840    94  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20030922.585    96  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030922.619    93  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20030924.880    93  (Georg Comello)
  20030926.010    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20030926.587    94  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20030930.566    99  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030930.910    94  (Georg Comello)
  20031002.700    96  (Laszlo L. Kiss)
  20031005.819    94  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20031014.800    96  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20031014.869    98  (Georg Comello)
  20031015.512   100  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031015.949    95  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20031017.522    98  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031018.122    94  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20031018.531    99  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031019.476   100  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031019.601    95  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20031021.810    98  (Georg Comello)
  20031021.869    97  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20031024.000    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20031026.501   100  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031026.576    95  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20031028.869    97  (Georg Comello)
  20031101.580    98  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20031107.940    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20031114.585    98  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20031118.476    97  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20031121.833   102  (Marian Legutko)
  20031125.869   100  (Georg Comello)
  20031128.051   104  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20031202.546   103  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20031203.464   108  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031218.967   107  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20040105.530   109  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20040111.539   106  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20040114.932   105  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20040120.810   103  (Georg Comello)
  20040121.555    97  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20040129.899    96  (Laszlo L. Kiss)
  20040131.524    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20040207.860    94  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20040214.860    93  (Georg Comello)
  20040215.510    92  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20040217.535    92  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20040219.860    96  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20040220.524    94  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20040220.832    90  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20040220.853    95  (Istvan Kovacs)
  20040225.512    95  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20040225.819    93  (Georg Comello)
  20040226.869    93  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20040307.462    85  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20040308.840    93  (Georg Comello)
  20040311.794    86  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20040313.517    85  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20040313.528    94  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20040316.819    93  (Georg Comello)
  20040319.819    85  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20040319.840    93  (Georg Comello)
  20040320.514    94  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20040322.810    93  (Georg Comello)
  20040323.899    90  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20040330.810    92  (Georg Comello)
  20040401.785    85  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20040707.040    96  (Georg Comello)
  20040728.990    99  (Georg Comello)
  20040802.724   102  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040807.940   101  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20040812.676   106  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040816.960   107  (Georg Comello)
  20040817.000   107  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20040901.910   110  (Georg Comello)
  20040907.869   110  (Georg Comello)
  20040908.614   111  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20040908.663   109  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040914.635   104  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040915.644   105  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040919.573   102  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20040930.519   101  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20041003.649    97  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041005.660    95  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041005.790    98  (Georg Comello)
  20041005.799   102  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041005.799    99  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20041006.603   102  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20041006.616    99  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20041006.830   102  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20041006.896   102  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041010.824   102  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041011.503   101  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20041011.503    96  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20041011.672    96  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041011.790   102  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041011.810    98  (Georg Comello)
  20041012.790    98  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20041012.833   100  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041013.514    93  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20041013.692    96  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041015.597    99  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20041016.637    96  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041016.875    96  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041017.506    99  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20041017.565    97  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20041018.960    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20041019.766    97  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041019.810    96  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20041019.850    97  (Georg Comello)
  20041021.491    97  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20041021.814    95  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041022.628    96  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041023.487    96  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20041023.732    96  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041025.123    94  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20041026.642    93  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041026.800    94  (Georg Comello)
  20041027.615    93  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041028.555    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20041028.860    91  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20041031.655    93  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041103.435    90  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20041104.435    90  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20041104.830    92  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20041106.456    91  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20041106.740    91  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041107.485    96  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20041107.573    94  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20041107.581    93  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041108.826    90  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041112.649    94  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041123.574    95  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20041124.719    91  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041129.751    91  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041201.425    96  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20041202.656    91  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041203.556    95  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20041203.740    93  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20041205.712    93  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041208.719    93  (Georg Comello)
  20041208.800    94  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041210.733    90  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041211.547    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20041211.642    93  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041213.669    92  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041214.735    92  (Thorsten Lange)
  20041219.880    96  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20041220.738    89  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20041225.453    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20041227.671    89  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20050104.619    90  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20050105.538    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20050109.717    94  (Thorsten Lange)
  20050112.780    93  (Georg Comello)
  20050112.849    96  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050119.553    88  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20050130.540    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20050205.603    89  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20050210.810    93  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20050211.530    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20050214.819    93  (Georg Comello)
  20050226.508    97  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20050226.869    93  (Georg Comello)
  20050227.869    93  (Guus Gilein)
  20050227.869    94  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050227.919    93  (Georg Comello)
  20050305.810    93  (Georg Comello)
  20050309.528    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20050309.830    93  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20050310.883    93  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050314.532    96  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20050314.933    96  (Guus Gilein)
  20050326.870    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050331.810    95  (Georg Comello)
  20050401.831    95  (Guus Gilein)
  20050401.865    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050401.890    96  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20050410.854    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050411.840    98  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20050411.873    96  (Guus Gilein)
  20050421.846    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050706.000    95  (Georg Comello)
  20050731.000    94  (Georg Comello)
  20050815.930    92  (Georg Comello)
  20050817.035    93  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050823.910    90  (Georg Comello)
  20050828.676    96  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050830.930    92  (Georg Comello)
  20050904.907    96  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050908.930    92  (Georg Comello)
  20050912.897    95  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050914.869    93  (Georg Comello)
  20050921.885    93  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20050922.860    93  (Georg Comello)
  20050923.613    96  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050925.572    92  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20050926.706    97  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20050926.969   100  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20051003.956    91  (Guus Gilein)
  20051007.939    93  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20051008.660    89  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20051010.840    92  (Georg Comello)
  20051011.904    91  (Guus Gilein)
  20051016.830    93  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20051023.122    87  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20051024.494    91  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20051026.760    94  (Georg Comello)
  20051027.994    93  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20051029.103    88  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20051103.899    93  (Georg Comello)
  20051106.851    90  (Thorsten Lange)
  20051108.494    92  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20051108.610    94  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20051108.852    89  (Guus Gilein)
  20051108.944    95  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20051110.583    94  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20051112.076    89  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20051112.467    91  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20051116.869    93  (Georg Comello)
  20051119.591    94  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20051121.485    92  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20051125.000    93  (Georg Comello)
  20051127.060    92  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20051129.890    93  (Georg Comello)
  20051203.753    91  (Thorsten Lange)
  20051219.769    94  (Georg Comello)
  20060114.942   100  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20060118.750    98  (Georg Comello)
  20060127.780   104  (Georg Comello)
  20060127.868   107  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20060128.869    99  (Guus Gilein)
  20060211.880   102  (Georg Comello)
  20060218.503    97  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20060218.869   103  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20060224.819   100  (Georg Comello)
  20060224.820    98  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20060224.901   105  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20060304.799   100  (Georg Comello)
  20060315.875    96  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20060317.830    98  (Georg Comello)
  20060320.791    95  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20060323.830    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20060401.894    97  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20060403.819    93  (Georg Comello)
  20060714.019    93  (Georg Comello)
  20060726.000    93  (Georg Comello)
  20060728.050    94  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20060802.960    93  (Georg Comello)
  20060821.930    95  (Georg Comello)
  20060904.940    96  (Georg Comello)
  20060912.869    98  (Georg Comello)
  20060920.801   101  (Dariusz Dorda)
  20060930.850   100  (Georg Comello)
  20061014.958   105  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20061016.130   103  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061016.840   103  (Georg Comello)
  20061018.676   104  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20061024.830   106  (Georg Comello)
  20061027.747   103  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20061101.800   105  (Georg Comello)
  20061103.655   102  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20061109.840   102  (Georg Comello)
  20061113.819   103  (Dariusz Dorda)
  20061116.062   100  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061116.842   102  (Marian Legutko)
  20061123.790    93  (Georg Comello)
  20061124.043    97  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061124.842    97  (Marian Legutko)
  20061129.740    97  (Georg Comello)
  20061207.997    94  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061210.760    96  (Thorsten Lange)
  20061214.987    95  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061215.900    96  (Georg Comello)
  20061217.956    96  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20061219.664    89  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20061226.649    90  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20061226.958    92  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061229.426    94  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20070108.796    93  (Dariusz Dorda)

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