[vsnet-mira 330010] L2 Pup recent (cont'd)
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Jan 27 13:05:21 JST 2007
L2 Pup recent (cont'd)
For general info see:
YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer
20030102.066 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20030104.305 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030104.642 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030105.119 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030105.565 62 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030105.569 70 (Hiroshi Itoh)
20030106.066 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030106.087 63 (Federico Claus)
20030106.553 66 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030108.017 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030110.117 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20030112.585 65 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030113.083 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030115.564 64 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030117.038 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030119.076 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20030123.608 62 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030124.065 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20030124.576 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030126.028 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20030128.038 60 (Sebastian Otero)
20030129.553 62 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030129.957 63 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030130.558 62 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030201.194 57 (Sebastian Otero)
20030202.183 58 (Sebastian Otero)
20030203.542 61 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030205.400 61 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030207.022 56 (Sebastian Otero)
20030209.092 55 (Federico Claus)
20030213.026 59 (Sebastian Otero)
20030213.092 58 (Federico Claus)
20030214.151 60 (Sebastian Otero)
20030215.048 59 (Sebastian Otero)
20030218.073 60 (Sebastian Otero)
20030218.082 59 (Federico Claus)
20030218.997 63 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030220.113 60 (Federico Claus)
20030220.551 62 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030221.031 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20030221.073 60 (Federico Claus)
20030222.090 60 (Federico Claus)
20030222.155 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20030223.956 67 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030225.065 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030225.085 61 (Federico Claus)
20030226.037 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030227.072 68 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030227.567 62 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20030301.026 67 (Raquel Yumi Shida)
20030303.012 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030305.031 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030307.010 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030307.044 63 (Federico Claus)
20030309.462 70 (Hiroshi Itoh)
20030313.017 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030313.045 68 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030316.990 65 (Federico Claus)
20030317.040 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030318.019 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030318.399 68 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030319.466 67 (Susumu Takahashi)
20030320.998 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030322.046 64 (Federico Claus)
20030322.092 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20030322.989 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20030323.062 69 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030324.977 69 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030325.992 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030327.992 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030328.011 68 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030329.076 70 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030330.078 70 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030330.983 69 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030331.006 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030401.049 65 (Federico Claus)
20030401.065 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030401.399 72 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030403.023 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030405.053 65 (Federico Claus)
20030405.111 68 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030405.400 74 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030406.028 64 (Federico Claus)
20030406.089 69 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030407.005 64 (Federico Claus)
20030407.023 69 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030407.500 74 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030407.999 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030409.020 70 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030409.500 71 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030409.978 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030412.022 66 (Federico Claus)
20030412.997 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030414.028 67 (Raquel Yumi Shida)
20030415.019 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20030415.028 65 (Federico Claus)
20030415.056 69 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030416.962 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030420.965 70 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030420.969 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030421.399 71 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030421.981 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20030427.969 65 (Federico Claus)
20030428.988 65: (Sebastian Otero)
20030430.399 68 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030503.017 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030504.000 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030505.944 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20030506.400 67 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030507.015 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030507.962 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20030518.923 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030519.399 68 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030521.992 67 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030522.399 68 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030524.017 67 (Alexandre Amorim)
20030526.962 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20030528.399 67 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030603.910 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20030606.400 75 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030607.924 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20030611.926 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20030615.930 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20030618.399 75 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030619.926 61: (Sebastian Otero)
20030621.922 59 (Sebastian Otero)
20030623.399 66 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030624.958 59 (Sebastian Otero)
20030704.400 60 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030706.919 55 (Sebastian Otero)
20030710.931 55: (Sebastian Otero)
20030712.923 56: (Sebastian Otero)
20030715.400 63 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20030715.915 57 (Sebastian Otero)
20030716.932 58: (Sebastian Otero)
20030725.924 60: (Sebastian Otero)
20030801.899 68 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20031002.700 74 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20031013.800 75 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20031018.140 70 (Alexandre Amorim)
20031023.206 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20031030.240 66: (Sebastian Otero)
20031106.224 60 (Sebastian Otero)
20031113.214 54: (Sebastian Otero)
20031114.212 54 (Sebastian Otero)
20031114.500 59 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20031120.181 53 (Sebastian Otero)
20031122.215 53: (Sebastian Otero)
20031125.187 54 (Sebastian Otero)
20031128.500 61 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20031201.164 56 (Sebastian Otero)
20031208.037 59 (Sebastian Otero)
20031231.074 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20040103.601 65 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040104.235 68 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040108.019 64: (Sebastian Otero)
20040108.560 65 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040110.551 66 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040112.041 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20040113.571 66 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040114.549 67 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040115.546 68 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040118.222 68 (Sebastian Otero)
20040119.541 67 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040121.540 67 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040122.519 68 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040123.581 68 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040128.024 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20040128.524 67 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040131.531 67 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040203.015 72 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040204.024 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20040207.122 72 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040208.497 68 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040211.036 72 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040214.142 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20040215.492 69 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040215.533 72 (Hiroshi Itoh)
20040216.066 74 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040217.535 70 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040218.037 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20040224.019 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20040227.399 72 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040228.033 73 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040228.500 72 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040229.399 74 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040229.499 67 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040303.003 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20040307.497 67 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20040308.400 74 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040315.003 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20040316.165 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20040317.399 75 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040319.399 75 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040322.030 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20040324.399 72 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040325.972 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20040329.500 66 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040331.500 64 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040404.001 59 (Sebastian Otero)
20040405.026 59 (Sebastian Otero)
20040407.019 59 (Sebastian Otero)
20040408.400 63 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040413.400 62 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040417.119 60 (Sebastian Otero)
20040417.990 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20040418.399 65 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040419.965 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20040422.399 65 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040425.966 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20040427.965 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20040430.399 69 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040502.923 68 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040504.940 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20040505.400 72 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040506.967 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20040508.940 69 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040513.400 75 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040518.921 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20040519.399 76 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040526.972 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20040526.981 73 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040527.933 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20040528.399 75 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040528.917 74 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040530.904 74 (Alexandre Amorim)
20040531.399 77 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040604.400 76 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040606.958 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20040607.933 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20040609.400 77 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040611.300 76 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040614.400 76 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040619.300 76 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040625.300 74 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040709.800 76 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040728.800 68 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040806.799 67 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040821.800 63 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040831.800 63 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040911.699 65 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20040929.699 75 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20041008.599 75 (Laszlo L. Kiss)
20041017.250 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20041107.276 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20041120.757 71 (K. Kubodera)
20041121.728 <60 (K. Kubodera)
20041122.691 71 (K. Kubodera)
20041202.142 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20041205.694 66 (K. Kubodera)
20041207.691 67 (K. Kubodera)
20041213.153 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20041222.185 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20041223.044 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20041227.583 66 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20041228.026 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20041231.038 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20050105.558 65 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050107.635 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050110.544 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050111.565 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050113.626 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050117.553 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050120.576 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050126.553 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050131.576 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050201.567 64 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050202.557 65 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050203.551 65 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20050220.047 68 (Sebastian Otero)
20050303.040 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20050308.019 72 (Alexandre Amorim)
20050309.025 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20050310.031 71 (Sebastian Otero)
20050315.005 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20050315.990 74 (Alexandre Amorim)
20050316.985 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20050319.017 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20050323.992 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20050329.978 69 (Alexandre Amorim)
20050329.978 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20050404.967 68 (Sebastian Otero)
20050412.003 68 (Sebastian Otero)
20050415.988 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20050416.960 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20050425.958 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20050502.947 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20050516.946 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20050524.933 60 (Sebastian Otero)
20050609.915 68 (Alexandre Amorim)
20050613.905 68 (Alexandre Amorim)
20050620.928 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20050623.913 68 (Alexandre Amorim)
20050703.915 69 (Alexandre Amorim)
20051127.300 71 (Sebastian Otero)
20051207.019 70: (Sebastian Otero)
20051211.205 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20051218.023 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20051220.026 69: (Sebastian Otero)
20051225.028 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20051227.028 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20060104.030 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20060118.033 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20060120.015 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20060126.003 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20060127.015 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20060131.014 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20060205.044 61 (Sebastian Otero)
20060207.012 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20060212.526 64 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20060213.012 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20060214.519 63 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20060216.006 62: (Sebastian Otero)
20060218.058 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20060227.005 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20060305.008 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20060307.044 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20060309.991 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20060313.990 68 (Sebastian Otero)
20060318.972 68 (Sebastian Otero)
20060319.424 66 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20060321.976 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20060324.003 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20060326.051 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20060404.994 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20060407.974 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20060410.976 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20060414.951 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20060418.001 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20060421.958 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20060424.942 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20060503.938 66: (Sebastian Otero)
20060508.949 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20060509.938 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20060512.942 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20060516.933 66: (Sebastian Otero)
20060520.941 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20060607.917 62 (Sebastian Otero)
20060610.926 63 (Sebastian Otero)
20060615.935 64 (Sebastian Otero)
20060622.944 65 (Sebastian Otero)
20060709.928 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20061016.294 66 (Sebastian Otero)
20061113.139 68: (Sebastian Otero)
20061120.144 69: (Sebastian Otero)
20061129.151 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20061204.133 71 (Sebastian Otero)
20061210.023 70: (Sebastian Otero)
20061215.049 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20061223.032 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20061223.637 66 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20061227.040 67 (Sebastian Otero)
20061228.622 70 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20061229.583 70 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20061230.133 68 (Sebastian Otero)
20070106.181 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20070107.567 70 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20070109.046 69 (Sebastian Otero)
20070110.576 71 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20070113.033 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20070114.271 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20070114.565 69 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20070116.044 70 (Sebastian Otero)
20070121.262 71 (Sebastian Otero)
20070122.056 71 (Sebastian Otero)
20070122.565 69 (Takuichiro Onishi)
20070123.028 71 (Sebastian Otero)
20070125.558 70 (Takuichiro Onishi)
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