[vsnet-miracirc 58720] VSNET Mira Circular 2021.05 (up to May 25) nightly
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue May 25 08:57:00 JST 2021
VSNET Mira Circular 2021.5 (JD 0d = 2459335)
edited by T. Kato
HQ And (IA) 151(8) ZLR
HV And (IA) 153(7) 152(8) 155(15) 151(18) ZLR
IW And (UGZ) 148(8)! 158(14) 159(15) 145(18)! ZLR
LU And (IA:) 202(8) 195(14) 197(15) 199(18) ZLR
CZ Aql (L:) 148(5) 147(11) ZLR
ES Aql (RCB) <171(1) 191(6) 182(9) <171(12) <171(17) <145(22) 172(23)
PQ Aql (UG) 175(6) 153(11) 153(13) 161(15) Stu,ZLR
V850 Aql (M:) 146(7) 148(15) ZLR
V1101 Aql (IS) 140:(1) 138(2) 143:(3) 141(5) 145(6) 146(11) 141(22) Mdy,ZLR
V1315 Aql (IS) 148(3) ZLR
V877 Ara (UGSU) 147(17) Stu
R Boo (M) 99(18) BMM
Z Boo (M) 98(12) 96(18) BMM
RR Boo (M) 128(13) BMM
RT Boo (M) 110(13) BMM
EL Boo (?) 90(3)! 86(9)! Suz
SY Cap (M:) 155(5) 130(9) 150(11) Stu,ZLR
EP Car (M:) 153(9) 149(11) 152(12) Stu
OQ Car (IS) 166(4) 166(5) 142(9) 146(12) 162(15) 146(22) Stu
V342 Cen (UG) 149(5) 150(6) 149(9) MUY,Stu
PV Cep (INT) 176(15) KWe
ST Cha (IS) 142(4) 140(5) 146(9) 158(12) 143(15) 143(17) 153(21) 148(22)
DM CMa (M) 148(21) Stu
GY Cnc (UGSS+E) <148(1) 164(2)! 159(4) <141(5) 156(6) <145(7) 162(8)
160(10) <141(11) 163(12) 171(13) 163(16) 147:(22) MUY,Mdy,POY,Rip,
GZ Cnc (?) 165(2) 163(4) 159(6) 164(8) 159(10) 160(12) 164(16) 140(20)
126(21) 126(22) Mdy,Stu,ZLR
HH Cnc (?) <148(1) POY
S CrB (M) 122(13) 117(20) BMM
V CrB (M) 112(13) BMM
T CVn (M:) 102(6) BMM
U CVn (M) 100(12) BMM
CI CVn (?) 94(1)! 95(15) Ioh,Suz
V507 Cyg (IS:) 150(3) 150(10) 152(12) ZLR
V521 Cyg (INSB) 140(3) 139(24) KWe
V923 Cyg (SRD) 151(19) ZLR
V1057 Cyg (INT) 130(3) 129(7) 130(20) 130(24) KWe,POY
V1948 Cyg (L) 147(5) ZLR
V2037 Cyg (SRB) 115(11) DPV
V2428 Cyg (ZAND:) 145(3) 147(7) 140(11) 141(18) ZLR
chi Cyg (M) 65(2) 65(9) 69(11) 70(16) 70(21) 73(22) Mhh,POY
CM Del (UG) 146(4) 144(11) ZLR
U Her (M) 120(18) BMM
RS Her (M) 113(19) BMM
SS Her (M) 118(19) BMM
SU Her (M) 128(19) BMM
SV Her (M) <140(19) BMM
SY Her (M) 81(19) BMM
VY Her (M) 105(19) BMM
XZ Her (M) <139(19) BMM
AE Her (M) 101(20) BMM
AO Her (SR) 112(2) 113(4) 112(5) 112(6) 112(7) 112(8) 112(11) 112(13)
113(16) 112(17) 112(19) 105(20) 110(23) MUY,POY,Rip
AS Her (M) 126(19) BMM
AZ Her (M) <145(19) BMM
BG Her (M) <144(19) BMM
DF Her (M) 119(19) BMM
DS Her (M) <140(20) BMM
V466 Her (SRB) 154(4) MUY
V478 Her (UG) <150(11) <150(19) POY
DR Lac (M) 169(18) 167(20) ZLR
V374 Lac (L) 162(19) ZLR
S Leo (M) 116(6) BMM
W Leo (M) <131(6) BMM
TZ Leo (M) 107(6) BMM
AO Leo (M:) 127(6) 120(19) BMM
RX Lyr (M) <142(20) BMM
RY Lyr (M) 107(20) BMM
TV Lyr (M) 132(19) BMM
DT Oct (?) 158(12) 165(22) Stu
Z Oph (M) 98(20) BMM
RX Oph (M) <141(19) BMM
AY Oph (M) <137(19) BMM
V517 Oph (RCB) <144(21) Mhh
V651 Oph (M:) 188(3) 158(10) 165(12) 184(15) 189(19) ZLR
V970 Oph (M) <143(19) BMM
V982 Oph (SR:) 198(2) 184(9) ZLR
V1483 Oph (M) 156(2) 164(3) 171(15) ZLR
V1943 Oph (M) 170(11) 182(20) ZLR
V2523 Oph (?) 122(21) Mhh
V1159 Ori (UGSU) 131(21) Stu
AS Pav (IS) 158(4) <156(5) Stu
CL Pup (IS:) 154(4) 149(5) 155(9) Stu
DV Sco (UGSU:) 155(9) Stu
V1196 Sco (SRA) 139(3) 140(18) ZLR
R Sct (RVA) 56(1) 57(2) 57(9) 57(21) 56(22) Mhh
S Ser (M) 135(13) BMM
WW Ser (M) 122(13) 123(20) BMM
NY Ser (RR:) 160(1) 171(4) 163(8) 168(11) 173(12) 170(20) 150:(22)
162(23) MUY,Mdy,POY,ZLR
QW Ser (UGSU) <151(2) <144(4) <149(5) <144(6) 180(7) <146(8) 179(9)
<149(11) <176(12) <151(13) 180(18) <149(19) 181(20) <149(22) MUY,
QZ Ser (UG) <150(2) <141(4) <148(5) <141(6) <148(7) 175(8) <150(9)
<148(11) <150(13) <148(19) <148(22) MUY,Mhh,POY
V511 Sgr (M) <170(11) MUY
V729 Sgr (UGZ:+E) 153(9) 146(12) 150(22) 138(24) POY,Stu
V730 Sgr (UG) 140(22) Stu
V1037 Sgr (RV:) 153(5) 136(15) ZLR
DV TrA (SR:) 132(4) 134(5) 158(9) 140(12) 139(15) 158(17) 138(21)
138(22) Stu
Z UMa (SRB) 77(10) 74(22) POY
IY UMa (UGSU+E) <156(1) 176(2) 171(4) <147(5) <143(6) <156(7) <143(8)
174(10) <143(11) <143(13) 174(14) 176(16) <147(18) <147(19)
166(21) MUY,POY,ZLR
Z UMi (RCB) 113(2) 113(4) 113(5) 113(6) 113(7) 113(8) 113(9) 112(11)
113(13) 112(16) 112(17) 113(19) 114(20) 113(23) MUY,Mhh,POY,Rip
R Vir (M) 121(6) BMM
RS Vir (M) 128(13) 128(20) BMM
RU Vir (M) 128(6) 135(18) BMM
SU Vir (M) <133(6) 128(18) BMM
AA Vir (SR:) 145(4) 145(6) 144(10) 143(12) ZLR
AP Vir (M:) <136(13) <136(20) BMM
MS Vir (?) 97(3)! Nga
OU Vir (UGSU+E) <147(1) <147(6) <152(9) <152(13) Mhh,POY
TW Vul (-) 171(1) 166(10) 175(15) KWe,ZLR
NSV00035 (?) 157(11) 141(19) 148(20) 150(22) Stu
NSV04168 (?) 140(1) 140(2) 141(3) 145(4) 151(5)! 158(6)! 178(7) <144(8)
177(10) <144(11) 182(12) <144(13) <144(19) MUY,Mdy,POY,ZLR
NSV04618 (?) 167(4) 166(10) ZLR
NSV04838 (UG:) 184(2) 185(4) <170(7) 182(8) <170(10) <170(15) 182(16)
<170(20) POY,ZLR
NSV05031 (?) 182(4) 181(12) 183(14) ZLR
NSV05285 (QSO:) <181(17) MUY
NSV08494 (?) 161(3) 161(9) 161(11) ZLR
NSV10156 (?) 163(20) ZLR
NSV12952 (?) 148(2) 148:(3) 152(5) Mdy
NSV13027 (?) <181(10) MUY
NSV13146 (S) 149(7) 147(12) ZLR
NSV18024 (?) 154(4) 134(5) 134(9) 149(12) 158(15) Stu
NSV18230 (?) 166(4) 187(6) ZLR
NSV19409 (?) 159(2) 163(7) 159(15) 158(16) DAM,MUY
NSV19466 (NL:) 179(2) 179(4) 178(6) 180(14) ZLR
NSV20558 (VAR:) 165(7) ZLR
NSV20657 (?) <175(7) MUY
NSV22972 (?) 204(2) 196(9) 200(11) ZLR
NSV23209 (?) 180(9) 179(11) ZLR
NSV24539 (?) 144(14) ZLR
NSV24553 (ZAND:) 140(11) ZLR
NSV24903 (VAR:) 146(2) 145(10) ZLR
NSV26002 (NL:) 130(1) ZLR
Key to observers
BMM Marc Biesmans
DAM Adolfo Darriba Martinez
DPV Pavol A. Dubovsky
Ioh Hiroshi Itoh
KWe Klaus Wenzel
MUY Eddy Muyllaert
Mdy Yutaka Maeda
Mhh Hiroyuki Maehara
Nga Kazuo Nagai
POY Gary Poyner
Rip Jose Ripero
Stu Rod Stubbings
Suz Setsuo Suzuki
ZLR Zwicky Transient Facility Lasair (Masci+ 2019)
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