[vsnet-miracirc 49762] VSNET Mira Circular 2010.08 (up to Aug 08) nightly

Ohshima ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Aug 8 23:44:52 JST 2010

  VSNET Mira Circular  2010.8   (JD 0d = 2455409)
                                           edited by T. Ohshima

R  And     (M) 110(7) Heo
T  And     (M) <108(5) Som
W  And     (M) 90(7) Heo
HQ And     (IA) <161(1) RMQ
IW And     (UGZ) <161(6) RMQ
KX And     (GCAS) 69(4) 69(6) Kat
KY And     (GCAS) 69(4) 69(6) Kat
KZ And     (BY) 69(4) 69(6) Kat
lambda And (RS) 41(4) 41(6) Kat
omicron And (GCAS) 37(4) 37(6) Kat
R  Aql     (M) 88(3) 87(4) 87(5) 86(6) 87(7) Heo,KTS,Mhh
V  Aql     (SRB) 73(3) 75(4) Som,Wny
W  Aql     (M) <108(4) <108(5) <108(7) Heo
X  Aql     (M) <109(3) Som
RT Aql     (M) 94(3) 96(5) KTS,Som
RV Aql     (M) <106(3) <106(4) <106(5) <106(6) <106(7) Heo
PQ Aql     (UG) <173(1) <168(4) PKV,RMQ
V450 Aql   (SRB) 65(3) 65(4) Wny
V923 Aql   (GCAS) 60(3) 60(4) Wny
V1293 Aql  (SRB) 70(3) 70(4) Wny
R  Aqr     (M) <80(4) <80(5) Nts
omicron Aqr (GCAS) 49(4) 49(5) Nts
pi Aqr     (GCAS) 49(4) 49(5) Nts
UU Aur     (SRB) 57(6) Kat
AB Aur     (INA) 67(6) Kat
AE Aur     (INA) 58(3) 57(6) Kat
PU Aur     (LB:) 55(5) Iak
pi Aur     (LC) 44(3) 44(4) 44(6) Kat
psi1 Aur   (LC) 47(6) Kat
R  Boo     (M) <107(3) <108(4) 110(5) <107(6) 109(7) Heo
V  Boo     (SRA) 87(3) 86(4) 86(5) 87(6) 87(7) Heo
W  Boo     (SRB:) 47(3) Smy
R  Cam     (M) 103(5) GGU
AI Cam     (SR:) 110(1) KWO
BD Cam     (LB) 49(3) 49(4) 49(6) Kat
BE Cam     (LC) 44(3) 44(4) 44(6) Kat
CE Cam     (ACYG) 45(3) 45(4) 45(6) Kat
R  Cas     (M) 88(7) Heo
T  Cas     (M) 107(5) 102(7) Heo,Som
U  Cas     (M) 92(5) Som
V  Cas     (M) 105(7) Heo
Y  Cas     (M) <110(5) Som
Z  Cas     (M) <114(5) Som
AA Cas     (LB) 84(6) Ist
V465 Cas   (SRB) 68(4) 68(6) Kat
V509 Cas   (SRD) 51(3) 51(4) 51(6) Kat
V764 Cas   (BE) 69(4) 69(6) Kat
alpha Cas  (CST:) 23(3) 23(4) Wny
gamma Cas  (GCAS) 21(3) 21(4) 21(5) 21(6) Kat,Nts,Toa,Wny
kappa Cas  (ACYG) 44(3) 43(4) 43(5) 43(6) Kat,Nts
rho Cas    (SRD) 48(1) 49(3) 49(4) 49(5) 49(6) Kat,LMT,Nts,Wny
tau Cas    (?) 51(3) 51(4) 51(5) 51(6) Kat
T  Cep     (M) <96(3) 100(7) Heo,Wny
V  Cep     (CST:) 64(3) 64(4) Wny
W  Cep     (SRC) 69(3) 69(4) Wny
RX Cep     (SRD:) 73(3) 73(4) Wny
AR Cep     (SRB) 75(3) 75(4) Wny
MO Cep     (LB:) 54(3) 54(6) Kat
V730 Cep   (ISA) 132(2) 129(5) POY,Rip
mu Cep     (SRC) 42(3) 41(4) 40(6) 38(7) Heo,Kat,Wny
nu Cep     (ACYG) 42(3) 42(4) 42(6) Kat
R  Cet     (M) 73(5) Nts
omicron Cet (M) <73(5) Nts
S  CrB     (M) 102(3) 104(4) 104(5) 104(6) 104(7) Heo,Nts,Som
X  CrB     (M) <118(3) Som
V  CVn     (SRA) 78(3) Nts
Y  CVn     (SRB) 60(3) Nts
TU CVn     (SRB) 62(3) Nts
BR CVn     (SRB) 70(3) Nts
R  Cyg     (M) 111(3) <107(4) 113(5) <107(6) <108(7) Heo,Som,Wny
T  Cyg     (LB:) 50(3) 50(6) Kat
W  Cyg     (SRB) 53(1) 58(3) 58(4) 56(5) 58(6) 56(7) Heo,Kat,LMT,Nyh,Som,Wny
Z  Cyg     (M) 86(3) 86(4) 87(5) 87(6) 86(7) Heo,Som
RS Cyg     (SRA) 83(3) 84(4) Wny
RT Cyg     (M) 80(3) 80(4) 82(5) 83(6) 82(7) Heo,Wny
AF Cyg     (SRB) 66(1) 68(3) 69(4) 67(5) 68(6) 68(7) Heo,LMT,Nts,Nyh,Som,Wny
CP Cyg     (CST) 61(3) 61(6) Kat
FF Cyg     (M) <112(3) Som
OY Cyg     (LB) 142(1) Mro
V407 Cyg   (M+NB:) 111(1) 130(3)! 105(4) 126(5)! Mhh,POY,RMQ
V568 Cyg   (GCAS) 66(3) 63(4) 64(5) 66(6) 65(7) Kat,Mhh,Nyh,Wny
V697 Cyg   (LB) 89(3) Wny
V832 Cyg   (GCAS) 44(3) 44(4) 45(6) Kat,Wny
V1057 Cyg  (INT) 130(2) 130(5) LGH,POY,Rip
V1331 Cyg  (INST) 125(5) LGH
V1339 Cyg  (SRB) 65(3) 65(4) 65(6) Kat,Wny
V2119 Cyg  (BE) 56(3) 56(4) Wny
chi Cyg    (M) <107(3) <107(4) 134(5) <107(6) <107(7) Heo,Nts,POY,Som
S  Del     (M) 85(3) 86(5) Som
T  Del     (M) <119(3) Som
U  Del     (SRB) 69(1) 70(3) LMT,Wny
CM Del     (UG) 149(1) 140(5)* POY,RMQ
EU Del     (SRB) 66(1) 63(3) LMT,Wny
R  Dra     (M) 90(5) GGU
T  Dra     (M) 99(3) Som
V  Dra     (M) <118(3) Som
W  Dra     (M) 104(3) Som
X  Dra     (M) <117(3) Som
RT Dra     (M) 141(5) GGU
HK Dra     (LB) 70(3) Nts
LT Dra     (VAR:) 78(3) Nts
R  Equ     (M) <116(3) Som
eta Gem    (SRA+EA) 33(6) Kat
mu Gem     (LB) 30(6) Kat
S  Her     (M) 78(4) 81(5) 80(6) 78(7) Heo
T  Her     (M) 102(3) Som
W  Her     (M) 83(3) 83(7) Heo,Mhh
X  Her     (SRB) 67(3) 68(4) 70(5) 71(6) 70(7) Nyh,Wny
RS Her     (M) 88(3) 87(4) 86(5) 85(6) 86(7) Heo,Som
RU Her     (M) <117(3) Som
RV Her     (M) <118(3) Som
SX Her     (SRD) 86(3) Som
TV Her     (M) <108(3) Som
AC Her     (RVA) 85(3) 86(4) Wny
OP Her     (SRB) 65(3) Wny
V478 Her   (UG) <174(1) 181(3) PKV,RMQ
alpha Her  (SRC) 32(3) Smy
g  Her     (SRB) 50(3) 49(4) Smy,Wny
AY Lac     (UG:/N:) <165(1) <175(2) <176(6) <174(8) IMi,RMQ
RS Lib     (M) 93(4) 92(5) 92(7) Heo
R  Lyr     (SRB) 45(1) 44(3) 44(4) 44(5) Kat,LMT,Wny
W  Lyr     (M) <105(3) <105(4) <105(5) <105(7) Heo
XY Lyr     (LC) 62(3) 62(4) 63(5) Ist,Kat,Wny
delta2 Lyr (SRC:) 44(3) 44(4) 44(5) Kat,Wny
R  Oph     (M) 101(3) <109(4) <105(5) <101(6) <109(7) Heo
S  Oph     (M) <104(3) <109(4) <104(5) <109(7) Heo
V  Oph     (M) 87(3) 87(4) 86(5) 84(7) Heo,Odr
X  Oph     (M) 78(3) 78(4) 78(5) 78(7) Heo
TT Oph     (RVA) 99(3) 97(4) 97(5) 101(6) 100(7) Heo
TX Oph     (RVA) 100(3) 97(4) 98(5) 98(6) 100(7) Heo,Mhh
UZ Oph     (RVA) 106(3) 106(7) Mhh
W  Ori     (SRB) 62(6) Kat
CI Ori     (CST:) 50(6) Kat
CK Ori     (SR:) 63(6) Kat
alpha Ori  (SRC) 03(3) 03(4) 05(6) Kat
omicron1 Ori (SRB) 49(6) Kat
R  Peg     (M) <114(3) <106(5) <106(7) Heo,Som,Wny
S  Peg     (M) 109(3) 105(5) 101(7) Heo,Som
V  Peg     (M) <109(5) <109(7) Heo
X  Peg     (M) <110(3) Som
GZ Peg     (SRA) 54(3) Wny
V369 Peg   (?) <172(6) RMQ
X  Per     (GCAS+XP) 62(3) 62(4) 62(5) 62(6) Ist,Kat,POY,Wny
SU Per     (SRC) 84(3) Wny
AD Per     (SRC) 84(3) Wny
DY Per     (RCB) 110(5) POY
FZ Per     (SRC) 84(3) Wny
V361 Per   (GCAS) 96(3) Wny
V439 Per   (LC) 79(3) Wny
V441 Per   (LC) 80(3) Wny
rho Per    (SRB) 36(3) 36(4) 36(5) 36(6) Kat
TX Psc     (LB) 52(4) 50(5) Nts
RR Sco     (M) 77(3) 77(4) 76(5) 77(7) Heo,Odr
delta Sco  (GCAS) 20(1) 19(2) 22(3) 18(5) Naj,Nts,Rip
R  Sct     (RVA) 55(1) 59(2) 56(3) 57(4) 57(5) 57(6) 58(7) Heo,KTS,LMT,Mhh,
S  Sct     (SRB) 73(3) 74(4) Wny
R  Ser     (M) <104(3) Som
U  Ser     (M) 112(3) Som
FG Ser     (ZAND) 123(4) POY
QZ Ser     (UG) <176(1) RMQ
tau4 Ser   (SRB) 62(3) Smy
d  Ser     (I:) 52(1) LMT
delta Sge  (LB:) 38(3) Wny
R  Sgr     (M) 82(4) 82(5) 81(7) Heo,Odr
T  Sgr     (M) 75(5) Odr
RR Sgr     (M) 100(4) 100(5) 100(7) Heo
RV Sgr     (M) 85(5) Odr
V1157 Sgr  (M) <127(3) Mhh
BU Tau     (GCAS) 54(3) 54(6) 55(7) Heo,Ist,Kat
R  Tri     (M) 97(3) KTS
S  UMa     (M) 96(5) 90(7) GGU,Heo
T  UMa     (M) 105(5) 104(7) GGU,Heo
RR UMa     (M) 95(5) GGU
RS UMa     (M) 96(5) GGU
R  UMi     (SRB) 95(5) GGU
S  UMi     (M) 104(5) GGU
T  UMi     (M) 117(5) GGU
U  UMi     (M) 85(5) GGU
Z  UMi     (RCB) 111(4) 111(5) 109(6) GGU,PKV,POY
S  Vir     (M) <103(4) <103(5) <103(7) Heo
RS Vir     (M) <108(4) <108(5) <108(7) Heo
R  Vul     (M) 88(7) Heo
NSV00235   (CST) 64(3) 63(4) Wny
NSV00380   (CST) 80(3) 80(4) Wny
NSV00895   (UG/SN) <161(8) IMi
NSV01121   (?) 49(3) 49(4) 49(6) Kat
NSV11154   (S) 132(5) POY
NSV15133   (GCAS:) 108(5) POY
NSV19560   (?) 63(3) Nts
NSV24528   (VAR:) <78(3) Nts
NSV24545   (?) 57(3) Nts
NSV24812   (?) 75(3) Nts
NSV25747   (UG:) <148(8) IMi
NSV25966   (NL:) <142(4) <142(5) Mdy

Key to observers

GGU Guus Gilein
IMi Ian Miller
Ist Hitomi Ishii
KWO Wolfgang Kriebel
Kat Taichi Kato
LMT Marian Legutko
Mdy Yutaka Maeda
Mhh Hiroyuki Maehara
Mro M. R. Marco
Naj Kenji Nakai
Nts Masashi Nakatani
Nyh Hiroshi Nishiyama
PKV Kevin B. Paxson
POY Gary Poyner
RMQ Maciej Reszelski
Rip Jose Ripero
Smy Masaya Saitou
Som Hiroyuki Someya
Toa Akira Takao
Wny Yasunori Watanabe

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