[vsnet-miracirc 52411] VSNET Mira Circular 2012.12 (up to Dec 06) nightly
ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Dec 6 19:41:45 JST 2012
VSNET Mira Circular 2012.12 (JD 0d = 2456262)
edited by T. Ohshima
R And (M) 62(1) 65(2) 62(4) HGG,Heo,KTS
T And (M) <107(1) <114(4) Heo,Som
U And (M) <108(1) <108(4) Heo
V And (M) <101(1) <104(4) Heo
W And (M) 87(1) 92(4) Heo
X And (M) 100(4) Heo
Y And (M) <110(1) <115(4) Heo,Som
RR And (M) <107(1) <107(4) Heo
RW And (M) <108(1) <108(4) Heo
SZ And (M) 112(4) Som
TV And (SRA) 104(4) Som
UW And (M) <109(1) <109(4) Heo
UZ And (M) <102(1) 106(4) Heo
VX And (SRA) 80(2) HGG
YZ And (M) <109(1) <109(4) Heo
IW And (UGZ) 144(1) 144(2) OJR,POY
LX And (UG) <154(1) <143(2) OJR,POY
lambda And (RS) 41(4) Kat
omicron And (GCAS) 37(4) Kat
R Aql (M) 97(1) Heo
V Aql (SRB) 69(1) Heo
W Aql (M) <108(1) Heo
X Aql (M) <106(1) Heo
RV Aql (M) <106(1) Heo
RY Aql (M) <109(1) Heo
VY Aql (M) <99(1) Heo
AK Aql (M) <99(1) Heo
CY Aql (M) <109(1) Heo
FP Aql (M) <109(1) Heo
V450 Aql (SRB) 65(1) Heo
V474 Aql (M) <104(1) Heo
V923 Aql (GCAS) 60(1) Heo
V1293 Aql (SRB) 68(1) Heo
R Aqr (M) 95(1) 95(4) Heo
T Aqr (M) 76(1) Heo
W Aqr (M) 94(1) Heo
Y Aqr (M) <108(1) Heo
RW Aqr (M) 99(1) Heo
WW Aqr (M) <109(1) Heo
DL Aqr (M:) 116(1) Heo
R Ari (M) 85(4) Som
BB Ari (?) <152(1) POY
R Aur (M) 98(1) 99(4) Heo,Som
W Aur (M) 99(4) Som
RR Aur (M) <113(4) Som
UV Aur (M) 102(1) 98(4) Heo
AB Aur (INA) 70(1) 68(2) 70(4) Heo,Kat,POY
AE Aur (INA) 57(2) 57(4) Kat
PU Aur (LB:) 55(2) 55(4) Kat
V483 Aur (M) <155(4) WRT
pi Aur (LC) 44(2) 44(4) Kat
psi1 Aur (LC) 47(2) 47(4) Kat
TT Cam (M) 111(3) 111(4) HAP,WRT
BD Cam (LB) 49(2) 49(4) Kat
BE Cam (LC) 44(2) 44(4) Kat
CE Cam (ACYG) 45(2) 45(4) Kat
R Cas (M) 80(1) 80(4) Heo
T Cas (M) 110(1) 110(4) Heo,Som
U Cas (M) 82(4) Som
V Cas (M) 78(1) Heo
Y Cas (M) <118(4) Som
Z Cas (M) <114(4) Som
SV Cas (SRA) 80(1) 80(4) Heo
UW Cas (M) 108(1) Heo
V465 Cas (SRB) 66(2) 67(4) HGG,Kat
V509 Cas (SRD) 51(2) 51(4) Kat
V764 Cas (BE) 69(2) 69(4) Kat
alpha Cas (CST:) 23(1) 24(4) Heo
gamma Cas (GCAS) 18(1) 21(2) 20(4) HGG,Heo,Kat
kappa Cas (ACYG) 43(2) 43(4) Kat
rho Cas (SRD) 47(1) 47(2) 46(4) Heo,Kat
tau Cas (?) 51(2) 51(4) Kat
S Cep (M) 90(1) 93(4) Heo
T Cep (M) 72(1) 76(2) 74(4) HGG,Heo
W Cep (SRC) 73(1) 70(4) Heo
X Cep (M) 98(1) 101(4) Heo
Y Cep (M) <108(1) <108(4) Heo
RT Cep (M) <105(1) <105(4) Heo
RY Cep (M) 96(1) 96(4) Heo
SZ Cep (M) <107(1) <107(4) Heo
UY Cep (M) <106(1) <106(4) Heo
AX Cep (M) <101(1) <101(4) Heo
BF Cep (M) 108(1) Heo
MO Cep (LB:) 54(2) 54(4) Kat
V730 Cep (ISA) 136(1) POY
mu Cep (SRC) 36(1) 37(2) 38(4) Heo,Kat
nu Cep (ACYG) 42(2) 42(4) Kat
R Cet (M) 84(1) 86(4) Heo,Som
T Cet (SRC) 65(1) 65(4) Heo,Odr
omicron Cet (M) 69(1) 70:(2) 54(4)! Heo,Kat,Naj,Nyh,Odr,Oga,Som
W CMa (LB) 68(1) 68(4) Heo,Odr
Z CMa (INA) 105(2) 100(4) Heo,POY
EW CMa (GCAS) 42(1) 45(2) 40(4) Heo,Mhh
FU CMa (GCAS) 66(1) 65(4) Heo
FY CMa (GCAS) 55(1) 56(4) Heo
GH CMa (SRB) 70(1) 68(4) Heo
omega CMa (GCAS) 38(1) 40(2) 35(4) Heo,Mhh,Odr
R CMi (M) 88(4) Heo
S CMi (M) 98(4) Heo,Som
U CMi (M) 75(4) Som
VZ CMi (M) 115(4) WRT
R Col (M) <111(4) Heo
S Col (M) 107(4) Heo
T Col (M) 69(4) Heo
V Col (M) <109(4) Heo
S CrB (M) 95(2) BEN
V CVn (SRA) 75(2) HGG
R Cyg (M) <107(1) 120(2) BEN,Heo
U Cyg (M) 82(1) 82(2) BEN,Heo
W Cyg (SRB) 62(1) 62(2) 62(4) Heo,Kat
Z Cyg (M) 108(1) 110(2) BEN,Heo
RS Cyg (SRA) 77(1) 86(2) BEN,Heo
RT Cyg (M) 111(1) 116(2) BEN,Heo
RW Cyg (SRC) 88(2) BEN
AF Cyg (SRB) 72(1) 72(2) BEN,HGG,Heo
AV Cyg (SRD) 104(2) BEN
AW Cyg (SRB) 95(2) BEN
DV Cyg (M) 122(2) BEN
V407 Cyg (M+NB:) <108(1) Heo
V568 Cyg (GCAS) 62(1) 68(4) Heo,Kat
V697 Cyg (LB) 88(1) Heo
V832 Cyg (GCAS) 41(1) 45(2) 45(4) Heo,Kat
V973 Cyg (SRB) 62(1) 67(2) 67(4) Heo,Kat
V1057 Cyg (INT) 130(1) POY
V1339 Cyg (SRB) 62(1) 64(2) 63(4) Heo,Kat
V1997 Cyg (M) 152(3) HAP
V2119 Cyg (BE) 61(1) Heo
alpha Cyg (ACYG) 13(2) 13(4) Kat
chi Cyg (M) 131(1) 129(2) BEN,Heo,POY
S Del (M) 89(1) Heo
U Del (SRB) 70(1) 71(4) Heo,Kat
X Del (M) 101(1) Heo
CM Del (UG) 141(1) POY
EU Del (SRB) 65(1) 63(4) Heo,Kat
R Gem (M) 74(2) 74(4) HGG,Heo,Som
S Gem (M) <111(4) Heo,Som
T Gem (M) 103(4) Heo,Som
Y Gem (SRB) 91(4) Som
RS Gem (SRB) 107(4) Som
SS Gem (RVA) 85(4) Heo
BU Gem (LC) 66(4) Heo
eta Gem (SRA+EA) 25(4)! Oga
T Her (M) 117(2) BEN
AY Lac (UG:/N:) <150(1) POY
R Lep (M) 74(1) 78(4) Heo,Odr
S Lep (SRB) 70(4) Heo
T Lep (M) <107(1) 102(4) Heo
X Lep (M) <109(1) <109(4) Heo
RX Lep (SRB) 56(1) 56(2) 56(4) Heo,Mhh,Naj,Odr
SV Lep (M) <100(1) <114(4) Heo
R Lyr (SRB) 42(1) Heo
T Lyr (LB) 83(1) Heo
W Lyr (M) 97(1) 98(2) BEN,Heo
XY Lyr (LC) 60(1) Heo
AN Lyr (M) 133(2) BEN
U Mon (RVB) 64(1) 65(2) 64(4) Heo,Mhh,Nyh,Odr
V Mon (M) 78(4) Heo,Som
X Mon (SRA) 85(1) Odr
X Oph (M) 75(1) Heo
R Ori (M) 95(1) 95(4) Heo
S Ori (M) 88(1) 90(4) Heo
U Ori (M) <105(1) 109(4) Heo,Som
V Ori (M) 100(1) 100(4) Heo
W Ori (SRB) 61(1) 59(4) Heo,Kat,Naj
X Ori (M) <107(1) <107(4) Heo
Y Ori (M) <100(1) <110(4) Heo
BK Ori (M) <113(4) Heo
CI Ori (CST:) 50(4) Kat
CK Ori (SR:) 63(1) 62(4) Heo,Kat,Naj,Odr
DT Ori (M) 122(3) HAP
EP Ori (M) <116(4) Heo
EU Ori (M) <105(1) <111(4) Heo
FG Ori (M) <104(1) <104(4) Heo
FN Ori (M) <103(1) <109(4) Heo
GT Ori (SRD) <92(1) 111(4) Heo
KX Ori (INA:) 75(1) 73(4) Heo,Odr
LP Ori (INSA:) 85(1) 83(4) Heo
V1159 Ori (UGSU) 141(2) POY
alpha Ori (SRC) 06(2) 01(4)! KTS,Kat,Oga
omicron1 Ori (SRB) 49(4) Kat
omega Ori (GCAS) 45(4) Kat
R Peg (M) 102(1) 102(4) Heo
S Peg (M) <109(1) <109(4) Heo
V Peg (M) <109(1) <109(4) Heo
RW Peg (M) <106(1) <115(4) Heo
LS Peg (M) 119(1) 119(2) <106(4) Heo,OJR
beta Peg (LB) 26(2) 26(4) Kat
epsilon Peg (LC) 24(2) 24(4) Kat
R Per (M) 90(1) Heo
S Per (SRC) 108(4) Som
X Per (GCAS+XP) 64(1) 62(2) 62(4) Heo,Kat,POY
Y Per (M) 98(1) 97(4) Heo
SU Per (SRC) 81(1) 81(4) Heo
TW Per (M) 98(1) Heo
AD Per (SRC) 81(1) 81(4) Heo
DY Per (RCB) 136(1)! 129(2) OJR,POY
FZ Per (SRC) 81(1) 81(4) Heo
MX Per (GCAS) 40(2) 40(4) Kat
V361 Per (GCAS) 96(1) 95(4) Heo
V439 Per (LC) 82(1) 82(4) Heo
V441 Per (LC) 82(1) 82(4) Heo
rho Per (SRB) 36(2) 28(4)! Kat,Oga
R Psc (M) 80(1) Heo
RZ Psc (ISB:) 117(1) POY
TV Psc (SR) 49(2) 49(4) Kat
TX Psc (LB) 54(2) 54(4) Kat
S Scl (M) 84(1) 78(4) Heo
R Sct (RVA) 55(1) Heo,Odr
S Sct (SRB) 68(1) Heo
R Sge (RVB) 90(1) Heo
T Tau (INT) 101(2) 102(3) HAP,POY
Y Tau (SRB) 66(1) 65(4) Heo
RR Tau (INSA) 119(2) POY
RY Tau (INT) 109(2) 106(3) HAP,POY
VY Tau (INT) 129(2) POY
BU Tau (GCAS) 55(1) 54(2) 56(4) Heo,Kat,Mhh
CE Tau (SRC) 45(4) Kat
DN Tau (INST) 123(2) POY
DR Tau (INST(YY)) 117(2) POY
V960 Tau (GCAS) 55(4) Kat
V1071 Tau (INT) 135(3) HAP
R Tri (M) 115(4) Som
T UMa (M) 134(3) HAP
Z UMa (SRB) 70(2) HGG
Z UMi (RCB) 150(1) POY
NSV00895 (UG/SN) <154(1) POY
NSV01121 (?) 49(2) 49(4) Kat
NSV02169 (CST) 67(1) 65(4) Heo
NSV02239 (CST) 67(1) 68(4) Heo
NSV11154 (S) 121(1) POY
NSV15133 (GCAS:) 107(1) POY
NSV24911 (VAR:) 106(3) HAP
NSV25109 (?) <134(2) BEN
NSV25754 (VAR:) 112(3) HAP
NSV25966 (NL:) <159(1) POY
Key to observers
BEN Hans Bengtsson
HAP Pierre Hallsten
HGG Gustav Holmberg
Heo Tsuneo Horie
KTS Thomas Karlsson
Kat Taichi Kato
Mhh Hiroyuki Maehara
Naj Kenji Nakai
Nyh Hiroshi Nishiyama
OJR Jose Ripero
Odr Noriaki Onodera
Oga Yojiro Ogane
POY Gary Poyner
Som Hiroyuki Someya
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