[vsnet-miracirc 55624] VSNET Mira Circular 2017.05 (up to May 02) nightly

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue May 2 13:45:22 JST 2017

  VSNET Mira Circular  2017.5   (JD 0d = 2457874)
                                           edited by T. Kato

R  Aur     (M) 115(1) Heo
UV Aur     (M) 103(1) Heo
AB Aur     (INA) 70(1) Heo
V362 Aur   (LC) <74(1) Nts
V  Boo     (SRA) <75(1) Nts
RT Cam     (M) 130(1) Stm
EW CMa     (GCAS) 46(1) Nts
omega CMa  (GCAS) 38(1) Nts
X  Cnc     (SRB) 65(1) Nts
RR Cnc     (M) 137(1) Stm
SY Crt     (LB:) 64(1) Nts
UU Crt     (SRB) 66(1) Nts
V  CVn     (SRA) 77(1) Nts
Y  CVn     (SRB) 58(1) Nts
TU CVn     (SRB) 62(1) Nts
BR CVn     (SRB) 68(1) Nts
R  Gem     (M) 87(1) Heo
S  Gem     (M) 112(1) Heo,Stm
T  Gem     (M) 100(1) Heo
SS Gem     (RVA) 87(1) Heo
BU Gem     (LC) 66(1) Heo
NQ Gem     (SR+ZAND) 82(1) Heo,Nts
T  Her     (M) 107(1) Stm
U  Her     (M) <74(1) Nts
g  Her     (SRB) 50(1) Nts
U  Hya     (SRB) 52(1) Nts
OP Hya     (LB) 71(1) Nts
R  Leo     (M) 65(1) Heo,Naj,Nts
RS Leo     (M) 108(1) Stm
U  Mon     (RVB) 63(1) Nts
CK Ori     (SR:) 62(1) Naj
R  Sct     (RVA) 49(1) Odr
TX Sex     (SRB) 75(1) Nts
UV Sex     (SRB) 70(1) Nts
S  UMa     (M) 113(1) Heo
T  UMa     (M) 83(1) Heo,Nts
X  UMa     (M) 108(1) Stm
Z  UMa     (SRB) 87(1) Heo,Nts
VW UMa     (SR) 73(1) Nts
VY UMa     (LB) 63(1) Nts
GY UMa     (SRB) 71(1) Nts
IR UMa     (LB) 75(1) Nts
R  Vir     (M) 106(1) Stm
S  Vir     (M) 70(1) Heo
SS Vir     (SRA) 66(1) Nts
NSV04767   (?) 56(1) Nts
NSV18071   (VAR:) 65(1) Nts
NSV18204   (VAR:) 53(1) Nts
NSV18352   (?) 75(1) Nts
NSV19560   (?) 64(1) Nts

Key to observers

Heo Tsuneo Horie
Naj Kenji Nakai
Nts Masashi Nakatani
Odr Noriaki Onodera
Stm Minoru Sato

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