[vsnet-newvar 2739] OT_J004226.5+421537: likely early superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Dec 4 10:28:07 JST 2008

OT_J004226.5+421537: likely early superhumps

   We have received further data from Nakajima-san and Maehara-san.
Thanks to the data on five consecutive nights, we can see low-amplitude,
double-wave (~0.05 mag) semi-coherent variation which can be attributed
to early superhumps.  The best period (although ambiguity is still present)
is 0.05605(4) d.  This identification of the periodicity would be
confirmed by the appearance of ordinary superhumps.
The fading rate decreased from 0.22 mag/d to 0.18 mag/d.

   Further observations are strongly encouraged.

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