[vsnet-newvar 4357] ASASSN-14ag: superhump period
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Mar 20 09:58:42 JST 2014
ASASSN-14ag: superhump period
Gianluca Masi, Kiyota-san, Josch Hambsch,
Enrique de Miguel and Kasai-san have reported observations.
The mean superhump period is 0.06209(2) d.
Since the object is now approaching the quiescent
level and the superhump signal becomes weaker,
we probably observed the later part of the superoutburst.
Although the object looks interesting, I would
suggest to lower the priority since there are
so many competing targets (one observer per night
will be sufficient at this stage).
Please monitor the outbursts (bright enough
for visual monitoring), and let's study
this object in more detail on the occasion of
the next (observable) superoutburst. The object
may be as important as HT Cas.
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