[vsnet-newvar 4375] OT J210034.4+055436 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Mar 26 14:55:58 JST 2014

OT J210034.4+055436 outburst

   ASASSN team detected an outburst of this CV (CSS101009:210034+055436).

cf. vsnet-alert 12245
   Catalina discovered another likely large-amplitude dwarf nova
(=CSS101009:210034+055436).  There was another outburst in 2006 October
according to the CRTS data.

   SDSS colors suggest an object below the period gap
(PASJ 64, 62).

--- 	CSS 101009:210034+055436 	------- 	21:0:34.33 	5:54:34.5 	2014-03-25.63 	15.74 	SDSS 	DSS 	VIZIER 	------- 	known CV, nothing there 2014/03/20

OT_J210034.4+055436 21040325.63 15.74V ASN
OT_J210034.4+055436 21040320.6 <170V ASN

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