[vsnet-newvar 4377] SDSS J090221.35+381941.9: rapid fading

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Mar 27 12:20:20 JST 2014

SDSS J090221.35+381941.9: rapid fading

   Enrique de Miguel has reported.  I obtained a period
of 0.0334(1) d from the data during the rapid decline.
Outbursts in AM CVn-type objects may be different
in behavior from hydrogen-rich CVs and we cannot expect
what happens next.

Comments:      Started later due to clouds early in the evening.
               Still superhumping, but rapidly fading at a linear rate
               of 1.8 mag/day. The period of this single run is
               shorter than the mean period in the previous days.
               In this run, f=30.00 c/d compared to typical values
               between 29.65 and 29.69 c/d found on JD 737-740
               (analysis of days JD 741 and 742 to be done).

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