[vsnet-newvar 8390] Re: MGAB-V708: new SU UMa-type dwarf nova

Patrick Schmeer pasc1312-aavso@yahoo.de via vsnet-newvar vsnet-newvar at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jun 17 08:02:52 JST 2021

Complete ASAS-SN Sky Patrol light curve and data:
ZTF light curve, data, and images (via Lasair):
The following outbursts were recorded by the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol
and by the Zwicky Transient Facility:
2012 June 2-7
2014 June 15-23 (also in URAT1)
2015 August 17
2016 August 6-18
2017 July 13-25
2018 May 15 - June 1
2020 April 2-16
2021 June 11-

The mean interval between superoutbursts seems to be about 370 days.
Clear skies,
All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) Sky Patrol:
- Shappee et al., 2014ApJ...788...48S
- Kochanek et al., 2017PASP..129j4502K
- Smith et al., 2019RNAAS...3...26S
Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF):
- Masci et al., 2019PASP..131a8003M
Am Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2021, 23:01:48 MESZ hat Tonny Vanmunster Folgendes geschrieben:

Dear colleagues,

I have just finished analysing my unfiltered CCD observations of MGAB-V708,
obtained on 2021, June 15/16 at CBA Extremadura Observatory, using a 0.40-m
f/5.1 telescope and SX-46 CCD camera under clear skies. My observations were
triggered by Tadashi Kojima-san's observation reported in [vsnet-outburst

Regular superhumps with an amplitude of 0.22 mag are clearly visible in the
resulting light curve, establishing MGAB-V708 as a new SU UMa-type dwarf
nova. A period analysis using the ANOVA, Lomb-Scargle,
Generalized-Lomb-Scargle and PDM methods (Peranso 3.0), yields a combined
superhump period of 0.0602 +/- 0.0005d. The object was at mag CV = 15.0 on
June 16th.

I will send my observations to AAVSO, CBA and VSNET for further analysis.

Best regards
Tonny Vanmunster
CBA Belgium Observatory
CBA Extremadura Observatory
PERANSO : The Light Curve and Period Analysis Software
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