[vsnet-obs 91976] Visual Ori Alf [January/May-2020]

Alicia Capetillo bl.lac.phl12@gmail.com via vsnet-obs vsnet-obs at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Jul 24 21:31:48 JST 2020

Visual Ori Alf [January/May-2020]

OBJECT              DATE (UT)            MAG
Ori Alf           20200517.90278         0.1
                  20200419.83889         0.5
                  20200411.83264         0.6
                  20200402.83542         0.8
                  20200329.81458         0.9
                  20200327.83333         1.0
                  20200325.84028         1.0
                  20200324.88819         1.0
                  20200323.85625         1.0
                  20200322.83542         1.0
                  20200317.81250         1.2
                  20200204.95972         1.5
                  20200121.96667         1.5
                  20200121.00847         1.4

OBS: Alicia Capetillo (ACB)
TEL: 0.20-m S.C. BINOC: 12x80
AAVSO (Charts and Data)
North Spain
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