[vsnet-obs 92253] VS Obs Oct 12-13

Gary Poyner garypoyner@gmail.com via vsnet-obs vsnet-obs at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Oct 14 00:14:43 JST 2020

Visual observations for October 12-13 2020
Gary Poyner
Email garypoyner at gmail.com
Instrument: 51cm, 22cm, 10x50B & 16x70B
Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association

A few breaks in cloud.

Star             UT             Mag
And AR         13.013         <15.0
And EG         12.968           7.5
And FO         13.015          14.6   active
And LX         13.014          13.9   active
And Z          12.965          10.5
Aur AB         13.035           7.2
Cam Z          12.961          11.6   standstill
Cas V1391      12.960          12.4   active
Cyg CH         13.035           7.5
Cyg Q          13.002          14.7
Cyg SS         13.001          11.2   active
Cyg V1251      13.007         <14.8
Cyg V1504      13.013          14.6   active
Cyg V2176      13.008         <14.8
Cyg V503       13.009          14.6   active
Cyg V516       13.010          13.9   Outburst
Cyg V630       13.004         <14.9
Cyg V632       13.003          13.9   Outburst
Cyg V751       13.010          14.1
Dra AB         13.024          14.3
Lac AY         13.001          15.0   active
Lac BL         13.006          13.0
Ori alpha      13.031           0.6
Peg AG         12.967           8.6
Per AX         12.967          11.7
Per DY         13.023          10.8
Per GK         13.021          13.1
Per QY         13.017         <14.7
Per TZ         13.021          13.8
Per UV         13.022         <14.9
Per UW         13.022         <15.0
Per X          12.972           6.5
UMi Z          13.024          11.0

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