[vsnet-obs 52775] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Thu Aug 4 16:20:38 JST 2005

Observations for August 3, 2005  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : clear after high clouds, later cloudy again 

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CYGSS     20050803.871      12.3   CMG
OPHRS     20050803.873      11.2   CMG
OPHVV     20050803.88       13.4   CMG seq.: A.S.V
CYGDG     20050803.88       13.4   CMG
OPHRR     20050803.89        9.6   CMG low! 
CAMZ      20050803.890      12.8   CMG
CYGFY     20050803.89       13.3   CMG
CASSV     20050803.89        7.6   CMG
ANDRX     20050803.895      13.9   CMG
SGEV      20050803.897      10.8   CMG
AQRY      20050803.90       14.0   CMG
AQRRR     20050803.90       13.6   CMG
UMIZ      20050803.901      11.4   CMG
ANDBG     20050803.90       14.2   CMG difficult, close to 100
CYGBU     20050803.97       14.2   CMG
HERAH     20050803.907      12.8   CMG
PEGRU     20050803.909      12.7   CMG
AQLHI     20050803.91       14.1   CMG
PEGAS     20050803.91       11.9   CMG
CYGBT     20050803.92       13.8   CMG
LYRRY     20050803.93       13.8   CMG

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