[vsnet-obs 53014] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Mon Aug 29 16:56:41 JST 2005

Observations for August 28, 2005  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : morning : clear after clouds, later cloudy again
             evening : clearing up after cirrus and high clouds

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CAMZ      20050828.016      11.6   CMG
ARIR      20050828.02        9.5   CMG
ARIT      20050828.02        8.9   CMG
PERR      20050828.02       12.8   CMG
AQRR      20050828.02        9.1   CMG
CETW      20050828.02        9.0   CMG
CETZ      20050828.02       12.9   CMG
CETV      20050828.02       12.6   CMG
CETS      20050828.02       13.4   CMG
CETIomi   20050828.03        7.1   CMG  10x50 finder
CETR      20050828.03       10.0   CMG
CETX      20050828.03       12.8   CMG
AURR      20050828.03        8.0   CMG
AURW      20050828.03       12.1   CMG
AURZ      20050828.03        9.5   CMG
AURV      20050828.03        9.8   CMG
AURX      20050828.03       12.5   CMG
PERDY     20050828.031      11.9   CMG
PERGK     20050828.031      13.2   CMG
PSCR      20050828.03        9.9   CMG
OPHV450   20050828.83       13.8   CMG
OPHV759   20050828.83       11.9   CMG
VULR      20050828.83       12.1   CMG
VULRZ     20050828.840      12.4   CMG
VULBD     20050828.84       12.4   CMG
SGEV      20050828.841       8.8   CMG
CAMZ      20050828.842      11.7   CMG
SGEV      20050828.843      10.9   CMG
SERR      20050828.85        9.9   CMG
SERS      20050828.85        8.5   CMG
HERDO     20050828.85       12.8   CMG
HERAH     20050828.850      12.9   CMG
HERSS     20050828.85       13.8   CMG
HERXZ     20050828.85       12.1   CMG
HERWY     20050828.85       10.0   CMG
LYRCE     20050828.86       12.6   CMG
SGER      20050828.859       9.2   CMG

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