[vsnet-obs 53060] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Thu Sep 1 15:30:14 JST 2005

Observations for August 31, 2005  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : clear, warm summernight
Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CVNR      20050831.83       12.3   CMG
SERR      20050831.83        9.6   CMG
SERS      20050831.83        8.5   CMG
UMAZ      20050831.83        7.7   CMG  10x50 finder
HERYY     20050831.831      13.5   CMG
HERWY     20050831.83       11.0   CMG
HERDO     20050831.83       13.1   CMG
HERXZ     20050831.83       12.2   CMG
HERAH     20050831.835      14.0   CMG
HERAE     20050831.83       10.1   CMG
HERAZ     20050831.83       13.8   CMG
LYRWZ     20050831.83       11.3   CMG
LYRAN     20050831.83       14.3   CMG
LYRCE     20050831.83       12.9   CMG
LYRV      20050831.83       14.0   CMG
LYRRY     20050831.83       14.6   CMG
LYRRT     20050831.83      :14.6   CMG  glimpsed
HERSS     20050831.84       13.8   CMG
AQLRU     20050831.85       14.4   CMG
AQLEM     20050831.85       13.6   CMG
AQLES     20050831.853      14.2   CMG
ANDRX     20050831.855      14.3   CMG
CAMZ      20050831.856      12.4   CMG
VULBD     20050831.86       12.1   CMG
SGEV      20050831.858      10.9   CMG
VULPU     20050831.858      12.7   CMG
ANDSZ     20050831.86       14.5   CMG
CYGLX     20050831.86       13.3   CMG
AQRY      20050831.86       14.4   CMG
AQLRS     20050831.86       13.2   CMG
CYGSS     20050831.872      12.3   CMG
CASSV     20050831.87        8.9   CMG
DRAWZ     20050831.87       14.2   CMG
OPHV750   20050831.88       12.0   CMG
PEGDL     20050831.88       13.2   CMG

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