[vsnet-obs 53540] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Wed Oct 12 16:11:37 JST 2005

Observations for October 11, 2005  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : clear with much moonlight
Star      Date UT           Mag    code

LYRUV     20051011.75       11.6   CMG
CYGFL     20051011.75       12.2   CMG
SGEV      20051011.756      10.9   CMG
ANDBU     20051011.76       11.6   CMG
LACW      20051011.76       13.9   CMG
PEGDL     20051011.76       10.3   CMG
DRAAB     20051011.766      13.1   CMG
DRAAG     20051011.766       9.8   CMG
CEPUY     20051011.77       12.8   CMG
ANDRX     20051011.769      11.2   CMG
PEGRU     20051011.770      12.6   CMG
CYGBN     20051011.77       10.8   CMG
LYRRT     20051011.77       13.6   CMG
AQLES     20051011.782      12.8   CMG
CYGV482   20051011.784      11.0   CMG  dull star!
CYGEM     20051011.785      13.8   CMG
HERCF     20051011.79       13.6   CMG
CAMZ      20051011.788      12.8   CMG
HERSV     20051011.79       13.8   CMG
CASWY     20051011.79       13.9   CMG
ANDYZ     20051011.79       11.3   CMG
CASSV     20051011.79        9.2   CMG
ANDUW     20051011.80      :14.2   CMG  glimpsed
OPHRS     20051011.799      11.0   CMG
AQLHI     20051011.80       11.2   CMG

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