[vsnet-obs 53555] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Thu Oct 13 16:14:43 JST 2005

Observations for October 12, 2005  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : clear with moonlight
Star      Date UT           Mag    code

SCTV476   20051012.772      13.4   CMG   chart/seq.: RJB/ASAS-3
CAMZ      20051012.774      12.5   CMG
SGEV      20051012.775      11.5   CMG
DRAAB     20051012.776      13.8   CMG
HERAH     20051012.776      14.2   CMG
LACSU     20051012.78       12.9   CMG
ANDRX     20051012.782      11.4   CMG
CYGSS     20051012.783      12.1   CMG
OPHRS     20051012.784      11.1   CMG
PEGRU     20051012.787      12.6   CMG
LYRST     20051012.79      :14.5   CMG  glimpsed
CASU      20051012.80      :14.4   CMG     ,,

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