[vsnet-obs 54031] Observations
Georg Comello
comello at astro.rug.nl
Wed Nov 23 17:38:07 JST 2005
Observations for November 19, 2005
Observer : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
(delay caused by short illness)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : short clear period between showers; moon
Star Date UT Mag code
CAMSU 20051119.00 10.4 CMG
GEMRT 20051119.00 10.5 CMG
CYGSS 20051119.867 10.0 CMG
CYGWX 20051119.87 12.2 CMG
CYGAU 20051119.87 12.6 CMG
CYGR 20051119.87 12.3 CMG
CYGV 20051119.87 10.0 CMG
CYGU 20051119.87 10.6 CMG
CYGCH 20051119.870 8.1 CMG
PEGT 20051119.87 12.5 CMG
VULR 20051119.87 10.0 CMG
PSCU 20051119.87 10.7 CMG
PSCR 20051119.87 13.1 CMG
CYGLV 20051119.88 10.8 CMG
CETS 20051119.88 11.6 CMG
ANDRX 20051119.878 11.4 CMG
CYGV369 20051119.88 12.5 CMG
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